Please Fix C'Thun

What? No. The majority of the playerbase wanted things exactly as they were for the 1.12 patch, which is, completely broken. They screamed “no changes” and Blizzard listened.

Please fix this before EU/US release…

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false… they wanted vanilla… this is not vanilla, it is a bastardized version of catch up BS prepping for TBC.

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Did you expect more from thai tea tide pod blizzard?

The original was made by people who wanted to make a game that they could play

The current is made by thai tea cucks that are over delusionalized by what the game should be.

They have 10 hours. Gongs were just rung a few minutes ago

they won’t, this first day will have to be the same as china got as to not invalidate their kills and if there is anything we know about blizz is that they will always pander to china.

I’m all for content not being on PTR. But if this wasnt intentional it is hard to imagine how not a single play tester noticed Cthun beam not going off instantly since that’s one of the more iconic abilities in the entire game…

that tester was probably 3-4 years old when AQ was current content, no clue what it was supposed to do.

It was play tested. That should tell you all you need to know about their capability

Your point is…? Just to be clear yes videos exist because c’thun was this way for a small amount of time, linking a video has literally no counter to my arguments because I already knew about it.

This is making the pull (part of C’thun strategy) a joke, isn’t it ?

I really hope they are gonna fix this. If we check at the old blue post this should have worked only for few days.

Yea but if you know ANYTHING about the Cthun fight you know that the pull is problematic because of the eyebeam. Even doing it in later expansions you could see still wipe if you werent careful. The vast majority of people didnt kill Cthun in Vanilla but pretty much everyone is still aware of the beam on pull.

Could you link the evidence that this change was reverted in patch 1.12.1? Because this video was uploaded during patch 1.12.1

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read up thread lol

It’s all over the internet bro. If you’re savvy enough to have found the video you linked you already know that though so I have to assume you’re just trolling

Mabye read my earlier post? Upload date does not mean it was killed on that date.

I didn’t see the broken linked blue post linked, I’ll read it now. I wish people knew how to link posts without breaking them.

You can go ahead with your tantrums about world buffs in every thread until you cry your eyes out but world buffs are not leaving classic.

You think you don’t, but you do.