Please fix archaeology

From the fact that I’ve heard that people may be quitting over Archaeology…

Usually when people type words they think them in their head, you don’t.

if they have green hair they are likely to turn into grass, i don’t know why i just made it up but its my opinion

I understand why they want a pity system in place for Archaeology but I think they’re wanting it for the wrong reason. Wanting it just so they can have a 359 weapon/trinket for Cataclysm raiding week 1 shouldn’t be a reason or it isn’t a good enough reason imo.

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many reasons have been posted, you two just choose to ignore them, these arch weapons shouldn’t be in the game at all


And you can have that opinon doesn’t mean you’re right, doesn’t mean you’re wrong, not until someone confirms it, wheather that’s you or someone else you can have that opinion if you really think that.

I would be fine with implementing a system once cata launches. After solving 100 artifacts the epic pops up. Lets see how many people just want zinrokh for parsing week 1 vs for transmog. We all already know that answer.

Collectively people are putting in thousands of hours to get this stuff and have nothing to show for their efforts. Expecting a tangible reward for time invested is a good reason to want this change, even if the difference is only 3% over second BiS.

Yeah I am wondering that too, I know that not everyone will get a raid weapon week 1 and they can still farm Archaeology during that time if they truely want the weapons still.

They’re doing it for the most part specifically for that 3% though, you shouldn’t expect to get something known for being rare only to get mad/stressed that it’s rare.

Personally I did it for the pet, mount, staff and toys. I did Archaeology for pretty much all of the rares/epics it provides.

Change your argument from archeology to gambling, and from blizzard to a casino. Look at how different the argument is now. Just because you put time in does NOT mean you get what you want. WoW has always had rng applied to loot and drops.

would you put your money where your mouth is though?

the staff is irrelevant and the 3% is irrelevant and its not about parsing so, delete your staff, its a tmog item and you collected the mog already

My point is the reason for doing it is unimportant. If you put in enough time you should be able to obtain your goal.

Why would I delete my staff? I have the staff and I’m farming Zinrohk as I’m typing here because there’s nothing else to do.

Tell that to all of the raiders that never get their items to drop for a whole raid tier.

but its irrelevant? it doesn’t matter? unless you want it for week 1 parsing and ur trying to make sure others can’t?

But others can get it, nothing other than RNG is preventing them from getting it.

you don’t find it convenient that

A guy who has the staff, who says it doesn’t matter, is on every single one of these posts, saying it doesn’t matter, but it shouldn’t be free because its so good?

I don’t have the staff or anything else and I still dont think it should be handed out, so I’m the wrong person to ask.

I’m not saying that it’s irrelevant, I’m saying that it’s not worth ripping your hair out if you haven’t gotten the weapon, I’ve got the weapon, I’m not ripping out my hair.

I couldn’t care less about parsing and the reason I’m saying that is because people are stressing out too much over these items… They should take a break from digging and get back to it when they have a clear head, I’m not trying to stop them from farming it you’re free to ignore the advice but you should take a break if it’s getting you flustered.