Please fix archaeology

Better solution is probably to nerf the trinket if its that good,

Man at that point. might aswell make everything a cosmetic item only. then archeology will be solved… what an answer. Player power items should not be this RNG from a profession… Still haven’t answered that question so I’m assuming you just don’t want to cause it’ll completely negate anything you’ve said on this post.

No item should be so powerful it is used for multiple phases, and no profession item should be better than raid

Profession gear that is on par with raid gear typically requires doing the raid to acquire the pattern for that item. Archaeology does not

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Except in this case on profession items, yea

So you would rather just reset your character every patch. Got it. Instead of having it where your gear actually feels meaningful to obtain to where it lasts longer than a patch.

Not true. You ever hear of a trinket called Darkmoon Card : Greatness

Which was awful, what is the fun in not upgrading gear.

I was so happy to get rid of that thing

Swell job missing the qualifying word “typically” as in “usually” or “not always but in most cases”

You mean how holy paladins used a blue trinket for the entire wotllk expansion?

Bump for bad luck protection

Spellstrike Pants, Vengeance Wrap, Lionheart Champion, ect. Also thats just touching BOEs / BOPs. not ALL professions like was stated. Such as Enchanting/Inscription/Alchemy. Imagine if all theres were >1% success rate. seems like that wouldn’t bother you. OFC thats an extreme arguement. Why should archeology be any different?

Nah, you could replace it late ulduar, but yea, that shouldbt happen

Bad luck protection, please


There is something 100% going on, my warlock guildy started awhile back didn’t get his staff after a ton of solves recently started on his mage and hit 450 without doing troll or dwarf solves got zinrokh today in 20 solves and hours later got both the trinket and the staff.

thats called RNG

Sure bud, you guys are on full cope. 3 epics first day totally rng mmhmm. I bet you think wifi is a natural element.

That’s the literal definition of random. Some people win the lottery, some people don’t even win a consolation prize

OR it could be that blizzard messed up and some characters are bricked

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There’s lots of players that have logged in for 12 hours sessions , for multiple days and haven’t received either the item they are looking for or also havent gotten any 359’s at all.

It’s clear the way it’s implemented is very much not ideal , which makes sense why they made so many changes to it since it’s devout back in the OG days.

It’s clear picking the original way archeology had it’s RNG is an overall bad decision with worse consequences than benefits.

I can’t count with both of my hands the amount of fellow players from my guild and multiple other guilds have said they are turned off and frustrated at the beggining of the expansion and it overall affects their overall feel on cataclysm on general.

This is term’s on “Consequences” can potentially cause to unintentionally lose a lot of players that would have stayed played the expansion had they launched or made changes to archeology to adapt to current players and standards.

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