Please finish all class balance before 11.1 releases

people who actively ask for less tuning passes clearly havent played any expansion before DF where tuning was legit only limited to .5 patches and major patches.

you want to reroll, then put the effort into rerolling


I don’t want to re-roll, that is my entire premise behind this thread.

I am tired of being forced to reroll because of terrible balance decisions that happen mid-season.

I want to look at the class balance on day one of the season, choose a class based on that and not have my choice invalidated and my time wasted because felt the need to rework paladin for the 18th time.

Honestly, just look at prot paladins in 11.0.5 and how it invalidated all effort put into gearing prot warriors and guardian Druids.

Mid-season balancing just disrespects every player’s time to the extreme.

In a world where myth track gear is 13 ilvl above hero track, you lose out on 8 weeks of myth track items when blizzard forces you to re-roll mid-season.

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You are literally telling everyone you are selfish and deserve to have your class stay on top.

The problem is, you pick a class because of its tuning, while people on the other end of the spectrum pick for the enjoyment of their class, but you are saying they don’t deserve to having any tuning changes because you, a meta chaser, think you deserve to stay on top.

Literally selfish main character vibes.


Newsflash: they won’t.

The patch is going to suffer through weeks of bandaid fixes, aura nerfs/buffs and hamfisted attempts to drag top performers to the middle while leaving those on the bottom to languish.


I’m literally telling everyone that I don’t enjoy having my time wasted.

If people truly enjoy their favourite class, then it doesn’t matter how badly that class performs because they will play it regardless.

i think that the class i choose at the beginning of the patch should not be nerfed into oblivion 8 weeks later, therefore disrespecting my prior 8 weeks of hard work filling my great vault with myth track items, yes.

why are you even mad at me regarding this? it is blizzard who is unable to tune classes properly and fix balance at the beginning of a season. i am merely making the best of a bad situation.

ideally, blizzard would balance their classes properly and have tuning be finished BEFORE the season starts but that NEVER happens.

so you get people who decide to play a class based on current tuning and then their choice is invalidated and their time has been disrespected to the extreme: wasting 8 weeks of their time gearing a new class, filling the great vault with myth track items, spending gold on enchants, spending gold on crafting items.

every prot warrior main would like to say hello to you in season 1 TWW :slight_smile:

also every resto shaman main would like to chime in as well and say howdy!

i 100% deserve to stay on top
 i look at all the class balancing and i make an informed decision on which class to play based on current tuning. I spend weeks and weeks of my life gearing this character, spending gold on crafted items, spending gold on enchants, farming dungeons for crests.

my time should be respected. I shouldn’t have to give all that up mid-season and do it all over again for fun because blizzard didn’t finish their class balancing before the season started.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This guy cracks me up


ideally yes, blizzard would fully finish balancing before a season starts and everything would be perfect.

how likely is that, though?

Where is all this information – Got like a spreadsheet or something?

there is non, hes going but what streamers think is meta for his weekly keys


Yeah, it’s in his derriere.


its in the patch notes and warcraft logs, are you new to this game?

at the top of this forum, there is a pinned message with the patch notes. have you read that yet?

Lol that’s what to in use to make an informed decision?
That’s a lot of trust placed on notes that usually have missing information and are little more than tooltips.

I guess WCL is better but that takes time to parse data.

I cannot 100% remember so I might be wrong, but didn’t prot warriors get left as they were and prot pally’s got buffed? If thats the case then your prot warrior was just as viable as if was before but pally’s got stronger!

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They’ll get more balance data the first few hours of going live than they did over the entire PTR cycle.

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nothing in the game is anywhere close to this.

the current season meta (with the exception of ppal) was already taking over by the end of the very first week of the season when enh got their 4pc. Prot Paladin entered the meta 5 weeks into the patch. If you rerolled more than once, you either don’t know how to interpret data or didn’t see the writing on the wall.

All this to say-- if you’re going to whine about buffs and nerfs affecting balance, just run vault keys on all the tanks until 2 weeks after the RWF.

Apparently, you’re new to WoW because this is a tale as old as time. Surprised you haven’t quit yet.

This isn’t new, and it’s not worthless lol. If you are a FOTM reroller as you claim to be, every class needs to be prepped to near ilvl cap by season end regardless to start the new season.

off-meta comps not playing MC cheese in NW are still timing keys with 2 levels of the current cap. Seems like it’s not the end of the world

Everything is a give and take. To have disc and MW be ONLY 100 score apart is an insanely well-balanced season. Even the tank meta at the moment is more open now than it has been in a very long time. DF s2, s3, and s4 all had a tighter meta than current.

Also; just to spoil it for you, brew, bdk, and pwar won’t ever see the meta again until there’s an M+ philosophy change. For being someone who doesn’t consider +18’s real keys, I would have thought you’d have understood that already.


its not about end of season, its about the work i put in after the start of the season.

filling vaults on 6 characters every week is not how i want to spend my day.

it would be nice if the meta would just be solidified and set in stone on day one, that way no one would have their effort wasted and their time disrespected.

i dont understand why this is such a problem for a couple of people? what blizzard releases on patch launch should be the way that the season plays out - there is no need to drastically change class balance, add new specs (aug voker), or rework current specs mid-season.

it sounds like the only one who disrespects your time is you. likely because you play like ten different specs that you don’t want to so you come on here to scream about how the game shouldn’t have balancing because it’s bothersome to you. jesus. if you want to play the most powerful class always then you put it in the work or you can sit down and shut up.


i do put in the work. i shouldn’t have to put in the work ten times every season, no.

but i enjoy playing every class and every spec, they are all fun.

what i dont like is having to gear up a new class and spec mid-season because they get a rework that drastically shifts the meta and then having to do it a third time because another rework gets put out.

i just want to look at the balance at the start of the season, choose my class based on that and not have to worry about rerolling three times.

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I get what you’re saying, and maybe balance changes should be smaller in between major patches, but NO balancing outside of major patches would be rough.

Maybe they could do the talent changes and big structural changes at major patches, but provide small balance changes every few weeks to move things closer. I swear that was what they said Mastery was for WAY BACK WHEN. An easy knob to make adjustments. Not that it has ever really been treated that way

Maybe major changes every .X patch, but every few weeks you can give underperforming specs a 2% damage and/or healing buff until specs even out. Wouldn’t fix every balance issue, but maybe could be a good balance between letting specs not wallow in misery without making changes at the pace they have been with Arcane (for example).

I would suggest the latter.