Your argument could be phrased as: “I wish tuning was less turbulent or that classes only got buffed”
They problem is, every single option to meet your needs is unrealistic for multiple different reasons.
The reason you are being put on blast and roasted by literally everyone is because you picking the most condescending self centered egotistical approach to express your desires, and you double down on it.
Just be done already so the conversation can become more constructive
I’m throwing my hat in the ring too now. Someone come clown on me.
I hate to say it but I think Athernon is right. There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to play the most powerful option. There is genuine time constraints when gearing/playing your characters.
Blizz puts timegates in the game because they don’t want someone to “no-life” it and ruin the experience. However, Seasons only last so long and Human beings only got so much free time to play video games.
It would be great if Classes/Specs could come out of the box with a healthy overall balance. If Blizz fails that, maybe just letting things lie is the next best bet.
You mean when they chose to re-roll because they determined after the fact that disc was going to be better in high keys? Because disc didn’t get buffed and resto didn’t get nerfed unless you consider the PCT nerf, which every serious player should have seen coming a mile away after MD got the same nerf in Dragonflight.
The problem you used as an example here is a situation where Blizzard had the balance between those two healers set at season start and the players decided to re-roll en masse despite no balance changes.
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Wasn’t that a consequence of Prot becoming top dog? Disc externals compliment Prot very well (and Disc brings the most dmg)
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That the issue they have more than enough money to higher high skilled developers for each class and more.
For some reason we have developers working on two/three classes each which ends up as a cluster mess when they are tying to come up with new ideas/combat design for said class/spec.
This shouldn’t be something blizzard should be skimping investment on.
We had developers creating new talents for specs who were not counting on synergy with the rest of some of the spec trees. And when a player can see the effect from a mile away but the devs can’t we have a serious problem.
Demonology is a good example of this. The dev had to go back multiple times and redo some of the things they wanted to remove both in TWW and DF. It’s happened to others as well.
Yup, and enhance also got changes at the same time which made resto sham even less wanted.
theres feedback on guardian druid being about 40% behind other tanks on dps on ptr.
Its simply amazing
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sounds like u should just play paladin then
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Bear is about 40% behind prot pallies. Prot Pallies were ahead of everyone else, so its not 40% behind “other tanks”. Still quite an issue, but another 20% dps buff would probably put bears around the average of the tanks that aren’t prot pallies.
I will caveat that I don’t know how VDH is stacking against prot pallies since they have had a bit of work done and their funnel talent in Aldarichi is doing alot of work for them.
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Blizz puts timegates in the game because they don’t want someone finish them quickly and unsub to next update.
Blizz still want people to no-life things in the game so they making awards less and less overtime. Thinking of how they reduced the gear from M+ from 3 to 2, reducing raid gear drops in the history.
Wonder how far behind brew is. I did about half the ST DPS of my war which I’ve never played in my life.
From what I’ve seen on PTR, Brew wasn’t doing too bad on dps, however their survivability in M+ is, as always, poop.
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We’ll see when the sims and live data comes out.
But right now, current sims put Prot War at 2m DPS, VDH/Pal at 1.7m DPS and brew all the way down at 1.3m DPS
I’ve tried this. People get mad at me as a holy priest when healing mythics cuz I can’t damage and heal at the same time and my mobility sucks.
I’m being pigeon holed into a spec I don’t like playing which is Disc, so because of this, I rather not play a healer at all next season if I even have any interest in playing next season.
They should make rerolling harder - mostly because I like seeing FOTM chasers cry over silly things and demand even sillier things.
OP probably doesn’t even time 10’s and is trolling BTW, yall took the bait.
there shouldn’t be a 40% difference between 1st place DPS and last place DPS.
They can balance the specs better than that.
No excuse for balance that far off
I dont think this is even remotely possible. First, not every class or spec even gets the updates they need in these patches because there is no time. 1 1/2 month ptr cycle is crazy, really hope they start releasing ptrs sooner so they can last longer and respond to more feedback/get to more specs.
Secondly though, they don’t have nearly enough data to actually balance everything ‘perfectly’ before release. The raid environments we test in aren’t real, as in people are doing different things in testing. The m+ environments are a bit better but people are still testing, not necessarily playing at 100%. PvP is never even tested on ptrs, only beta, mostly because new season pvp gear isn’t even available on ptr.
How can they balance without the actual data? The realistic thing to ask for is maybe more frequent tuning the first few weeks of a patch release. Twice a week for a while would help smooth out a lot of things that tend to wait too long.
OP isn’t saying they should perfectly balance everything before they release a patch, he’s just saying they should not even bother ever balancing things and let him know as early as possible what the best meta is so that he can supposedly time world first 20s because anything less than that isn’t a “real key”, yet he doesn’t want to put in the same amount of work that people actually timing those keys are putting in.
I get where OP is coming from. With the disaster of Season 1, tank balance was more-or-less decent between all tanks so people were inviting anyone with a pulse.
Then they turbo buffed Paladins and groups would no longer consider any other tank because of how much easier a dungeon is with a Paladin melting big packs and having good durability.
While I don’t think zero changes is a good goal, something similar to what they gave Prot Paladins cannot happen again.
There are multiple things that can all be true.
- Class balance should be closer coming out of a PTR than it has been over the past few years, especially due to the existence of PTR Testing and the data Blizzard gathers there. There is evidence that Blizzard may be understaffed in this area (e.g. negligible changes/bug fixes for certain specs such as Sub Rogue and Brewmaster) which is 100% on Blizzard and even if they do eventually fix it in production, it’s terrible project management.
- Blizzard should be faster with nerfs/buffs to classes that are an order of magnitude better/worse than others (e.g. Resto Druid in TWW S1 which got aura buffed about 20% cumulatively lol), and the fact that events such as RWF halting season start balance passes for a couple weeks continues to be annoying.
- OP, assuming they are posting in good faith, is still weird. If they are so l33t that they play at the top top level of play that literally 99.5% of players aren’t, then they should accept and work around the rockiness of balance and meta switching, particularly since in the upcoming season with the crest/crafting changes it will be easier than ever to roll and gear an alt at a high level.