Please find a way to reintroduce the spell batching system that was changed/removed in 2014

Basically how the system worked is spells were processed in 0.4 second windows. At the end of the window, all spells would be processed at the same time. Some spells would trump other spells in those windows, thus negating the initial spell. Other spells would not trump those spells, e.g two rogues sapping each other, gouging each other, etc. What this allowed was for you to anticipate an enemies spell (such as a death coil from a warlock) and negate their spell with your own (e.g. a vanish), cancelling their spell and putting it on cooldown.

Another example could be I am playing a priest, I know the rogue is going to open on me, or kidney me (maybe i’ve even been counting his combo points) and I hit psychic scream knowing that he’s going to stun me. I will get stunned (and recieve diminishing returns on that type of cc depending on when in the game we are talking about, as this applied all the way up until wod beta) and the rogue will get feared. Both our spells will go on cd, but this is an advantageous situation for me as the priest, as the rogue has used his lockdown and has done no damage during that window.

Edit: I forgot to explain the current system on live.

On the new system, everything is processed pretty much instantly, so these situations cannot occur. It is what personally disillusioned me from pvp (as well as many class changes) after MoP. I felt as though it removed many of the really high skill cap interactions that could happen in arena or rbgs and it ruined the line between a good player, and a GREAT player.

I hope that clears it up a bit, sorry for the long winded explanation.


Thank you for explanation.

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I don’t think I care about batching. Whatever is easiest to implement I’m fine with.


I understand as a player who isn’t pvp oriented you wouldn’t care about batching. Most people who want batching probably pvp at the higher end, or just enjoy trying to use it’s nuances to make exciting plays or bring back those “I JUST FEARED HIS KIDNEY” moments.

Funnily enough, batching was actually more important post vanilla, as there were more opportunites for these situations to occur, as more classes were given more and more abilities that would be used as lockdown or combo’s, such as mage shatter, warrior stormbolt, and pretty much anything along those lines you can think of.

This mechanic is very important to a lot of players who pvp, and really brings back that classic (and later expansions) feel.


I have no idea if this is something devs will implement, but i’m glad this was brought up. I’m all for batching.

Vanilla allowed for some pretty reactive gameplay because of this. It adds a layer of complexity and creativity to the PvP meta which is why it caters toward skilled PvPers really looking to push the envelope.

It wasn’t “random”.


You can pretty much disregard anybody who calls this mechanic random. They clearly never understood how it worked, and you can see from a lot of the people complaining about the mechanic in this thread, and the other one, that none of them have participated in pvp in any meaningful way.


The other thing it does is allow you to strafe and hit behind the target thus allow the limited ‘must be behind the target’ to work, and reduce the chances of ability’s being parry’d.

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If we aren’t getting wall jumping back, there’s no way in hell we are grtting spell batching back. Both would require extra work on Blizzards part to fix a bug/technical limitation at the time.

Batching was a huge huge part of pvp and I hope we see its grand return. Jumping warrior charges was a critical part of healing.

Ultimately, this led to a much higher skill cap that was readily apparent from playing against someone who was “good” and someone who was “absolutely amazing.”

People trying to downplay the impact spell batching had on the game truly do not understand its implications on game play.


Agreeing with OP here. This is one of those things that may not seem like a big deal but it was a subtle part of what made Vanilla PvP more engaging than it may have been otherwise.


Spell batching should be put back in since that is what was there originally.

Ziryus is saying it is bad because it is random and you can’t predict it but even mediocre players would sometimes get fears off during a kidney shot or 2 rogues sap each other at the same time. To me it doesn’t matter if it was skill based or just dumb luck, it was still part of the game and it should be a part of the game again.

Server populations, debuff slots, and batching were all technical limitations of the old hardware and all of them should be in classic even though the new hardware can handle more.


If you actually look at Ziryus’s profile, I don’t believe he even has the experience to comment on batching, as it was in the game all the way to the end of MoP and he has no pvp experience.


Except unlike you I actually have experience with pvp in vanilla you know the time where we’re actually discussing how batching worked?

You are a terrible person. You literally go into every thread posting stupid stuff like “the wall of no”. You do not even have a base understanding of how batching, or even pvp works. It is not random. Look at my account, what do you see? Multiple seasons over 2400 in arena (when batching was relevant) a rank one title, and more.

You can’t even acknowledge that batching was in the game up until WoD beta, meaning that literally anybody who has pvp’d pre wod knows exactly how it works.

Meanwhile, you can barely even put your pants on in the morning, and you’re sitting there complaining about “actual pvp experience in vanilla”.

So you can continue complaining about it while you backpeddle around and click all of your abilities, and attempt to ruin something for the rest of us simply because you can’t even grasp the simplest idea of anticipating an enemies stun.


A terrible person who can’t put his pants on in the morning? lol

I completely disagree with Ziryus on this one but I am glad he is here posting dissenting opinions. Also I just find it funny when people attack him over his personal preferences.

Thanks Z!


It’s not a personal preference. It is not a random mechanic. He’s just bad.


It was completely random, why? Because you had no control over what batches your abilities would end up in.

If you don’t understand that it’s more of a problem with you.

He’s not stating that it’s his preference though. He’s stating that it’s random and not a mechanic worth bringing back.


Debuff limits were also a technical limitation of their time.


Not really debuff limit was more along the lines of how the default backpack works.