Please examine my last deseter report and ban people

Because I am against the deserter report and because I have been nerfed into the ground some people announce I should be kicked and people voted me out.

As a last present and a warning to people who abuse this sytem please look up the list that reported me and ban them.

Oh and get rid of deserter on kicks please.

There is nothing to report or look into. You can be kicked for any reason or no reason at all. They are not going to ban people for not doing anything against the rules. They also aren’t going to force groups to run with people they don’t want to.


[quote=“Discoprancer-korgath, post:1, topic:47576”]

Yeah, you can’t abuse the system. As you say yourself they

You can’t abuse a vote to remove someone from a group because you don’t want to play with them. Sorry they didn’t want to play with you but nothing will come from reporting them for using an in game system as designed.

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I’m sorry, Discoprancer, but as it stands anyone may report for any reason. We’ll be unable to review the “why” to check if the report is valid and/or punish folks who use the reporting system.

I you wish to provide feedback about the system you’ll want to post in the General Discussion forum and/or submit your suggestion via the in-game option in the help menu. CS has no involvement in game design, so we’d be unable to assist here.