Please don't use 1.12 AV

He literally mentioned the rush. The rush is something you very much get in the retail version, which is already available.

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He literally said

Please learn to comprehend what you read.

And I literally said rush in my response, without using the version of 1.12. I get that arguing for the sake of arguing is your gimmick or something, but what I responded with stands. If he feels like playing a rush version (NOT NECESSARILY HAVING TO BE 1.12, I NEVER IMPLIED THAT 1.12 WAS NOT IN VANILLA), then the option to play a rushed version of AV exists.

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He just said he likes 1.12 rush in comparison to the older AV. Did he say, “I prefer the rush of AV like it is in modern WoW”?

Do you just enjoy making yourself look like a fool or is this just happening organically?

Ok guys, i think that i need explain myself better.

First, i don’t are arguing support of nothing. I just saying that i like both versions, 1.12 and 1.5.

AV is my favorite BG i don’t know which version i like more, there are different strategies in those versions, and i like both. AV is the BG that i have most played in this game. I played so much 1.5 AV in nostalrius (I play until today on LH) and in BC entire expansion. So i like both versions and i don’t know which i like more.

I’m just saying that I wish I could play both. And yes, 1.12 AV and post are a rush, there are some ways to break that rush but the rush strategy works better in random groups. Pre made groups can easily break this rush if they want it. I don’t care about rush, that is a strategy that i like too, but i understand the big gameplay difference of both.

So repeating i don’t are arguing support of nothing. IF Blizz do the choice to play both versions i will be happy for that, but if i have one choice between them i choice 1.5 because that version in retain is more like AV 1.12 than 1.5 so we have more gameplay diversity(although, I do not play retail in any case).

AV wasn’t popular because it wasn’t conducive to earning honor efficiently with the system put in place at the time. AV was done for rep and that’s it. Maybe worth doing on a BG weekend but wsg was the only BG worth grinding if going for high ranks. If there’s no real reward, most people won’t play it regularly past getting exalted.

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Sorry boys, original AV is truly a case of “you think you do, but you don’t.”

Did you ever actually play the original vanilla? It’s a serious question.

Because original AV is that good, it’s something that has yet to be actually bettered by any battle ground since.


Pretty sure I still have Ryson’s All Seeing Eye on my rogue.

I just don’t think the playerbase really has desire to do the eternal slugfest anymore. Not when those AV welfare epics are so delicious

I never stepped foot in AV until sometime into BC. But wasnt the reason
it was so long is because people just battled each other instead of trying to
end it?

Wasn’t welfare when the games took forever.

Late version was welfare because wins took 6 min.


I don’t think the majority of the playerbase wants to do raids, but they really want those loots. Why not nerf the raids?

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I would go out of my way to make it a slugfest, because rushing was never fun even if we won.

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What, the rallying cries of “JUST RIDE PAST THEM, DON’T STOP YOU MORONS!” wasn’t enjoyable?

It gives me visions of Mel Gibson in a kilt, charging the enemy who is charging right back, and they charge right past each other, because actually fighting each other’s army would slow them down from the phat lewtz.


I just don’t understand why Blizzard wants to use 1.12 AV???

ARE YOU ALL JUST STUPID? YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT THE PLAYER EXPERIENCES? You take the time to create the CLASSIC WoW that people love and remember and YOU SCREW IT UP BY CHOOSING 1.12 where you REMOVED 2/3 of the fun from 1.5 patch?

And here I thought you cared?

Honestly I really didn’ care to much what you did with the rest of Vanilla wow, except AV. Since I ranked up with the old PvP system, that was the only thing I cared about. But now that you screwed that up with 1.12 I can care less.

How many other veterans are you going to mess over by choosing 1.12? The only people who seems like they like 1.12 are the ones who start later in Classic and don’t remember the good times of the ORIGINAL AV.

I just can’t believe you would do this. FINALLY you put the last nail in the coffin with this REALLY STUPID DECISION. I hope it blows up in your face.


Hear Hear, however I would rather see the decision changed prior to the blow up in face part.

Are you going to find quotes about why the game needed LFD/flying/LFR/catch up mechanics/nerfed leveling/talents removed/CRZ/sharding too? You can easily find quotes on that and saying talents were “cookie cutter” etc, yet we aren’t getting retail talent trees now are we?

Retails current state is what made people petition, scream, and beg for Classic again. You can link as many quotes and stats as you want, it won’t change the fact that people wanted CLASSIC WOW not “What we feel is the best for WoW”, if they wanted that, they’d be playing retail.

This is CLASSIC WOW not retail 2.0/“What we THINK Classic should be”.

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Yeah, I cannot recall anyone asking to have the actual talent trees removed.

The first AV was bashed because people didn’t understand it, being so different from AB and WSG. Also players were undergeared and many were still leveling up.

Players had AB and WSG to play while leveling up, and AV was arguably “endgame”. It simply was not what players were accustomed to.

If they added raid caliber loot instead of nerfing I guarantee it would have been popular.