Please don't use 1.12 AV

I think it’s pretty safe to say we will be getting 1.12 AV. I don’t see an issue with it too much tbh the 1.12 AV is still fun, people acting like it will murder AV are being really dramatic…

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That solution doesn’t factor in off peak times when there just aren’t enough people to spawn a BG. And people who don’t pvp would be punished by these faction ratio queues…doesn’t make sense. The problem already happened, blizzard cared and they fixed it with cross realm bgs.

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Explain to me why you think a faction que would create more bgs. Please explain your nonsense.

Those playing off peak should not dictate the game for everyone else. If you want “off peak” to be just as bustling as peak, then lobby for mega servers.

I dig the handwringing use of the word “punish” by the way. Totally makes your post more impactful.

I’ve thought a lot about this. Since we’re getting a somewhat strange Frankenstein vanilla WoW (built off the modern WoW client to replicate the 1.12.1 patch except for content unlock schedules), maybe having the ability to queue for both the 1.12.1 (since honor farmers wanting rank 14 will avoid AV like the plague if it’s the 1.5 version) and a slightly modified 1.5 version. If they implement server only BGs until a certain point, the slightly modified 1.5 version should be the only cross-realm or cross battlegroup queueing instance (to ensure viability across all servers because of honor farmers avoiding it).

The proposed changes are from subsequent patches which do NOT alter the core or heart of 1.5 Alterac Valley. Witeraxe Trolls, Korrak, gnolls, and the Syndicate will all be in tact. Only changes that specifically alter the instanced version of Alterac Valley will be discussed in the list of small changes. The small changes are mostly bug/exploit fixes.

Patch 1.6.0

  • Each team will now gain additional bonus honor if their towers are not destroyed by the end of the map. The more towers that remained intact, the more honor received.
  • If you manage to keep your faction’s Captain alive for the duration of a battle, you will be granted extra points upon victory.
  • Several Alterac Valley vendor items are now bind on acquire.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Alliance team from receiving honor for destroying towers.
  • Fixed a bug that was not awarding Horde credit for owning a mine at the end of a game.

Patch 1.7.0

  • In the Battlegrounds, you will now automatically be resurrected by Spirit Healers unless you choose to decline.
  • Alterac Valley now correctly rewards honor for owning graveyards at the end of the game.
  • Fixed range check for removing insignia from players in Battlegrounds.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause players to stand up when a turnin was made in Alterac Valley.
  • Players will no longer be able to gain health by repeatedly entering and leaving the effect of a Battle Standard.
  • Entering a battleground now resets the timer for the AFK flag. This should prevent players being kicked by the AFK timer moments after they enter the Battleground instance.
  • Using the /who command while in a Battleground instance will now only display players in your instance.
  • Alterac Valley Spring Water now has a minimum level of 55.

Patch 1.8.0

  • In order to keep teams in Alterac Valley more numerically balanced, players will now enter Alterac Valley on a one-for-one basis (i.e. if there are 30 players in the battleground for each side with 10 players in the Alliance queue and 2 players in the Horde queue, only two players from each team will be added, bringing the total to 32 per side).
  • The minimum number of players required to start a battle in Alterac Valley has been lowered to 20 (the maximum is still 40).
  • Several terrain changes were made to fix some geometry exploits as well as to adjust for the new graveyard mechanic.
  • There is now a portcullis at the end of each of the entrance tunnels inside Alterac Valley. They will rise two minutes into the battle.
    ***Special note: Patch 1.8.0 featured the removal of the quests associated with Korrak the Bloodrager. The quests were originally obtainable from NPCs located in the non-instanced world. In this slightly modified version, these quests would need to be added back to different NPCs in this special instanced - probably Dun Baldar and Frostwolf Hold.

Patch 1.10.0

  • Flavor items from player loot in Alterac Valley will now stack and can be sold for a small value. These are items like Documents from Boomstick Imports, Worn Running Shoes, etc.
  • Tower Banners in Alterac Valley can no longer be used through walls.

I anticipate that some of these changes will happen regardless because of Frankenclient. For example, the Patch 1.10.0 bug fix “Tower Banners in Alterac Valley can no longer be used through walls.” likely does not exist as a possibility with Frankenclient (since the bug is likely non-existent in Frankenclient without having to specifically try and fix it).

There was one other change from Patch 1.9.3 that I thought could be considered:

  • The default graveyards in Alterac Valley for each side were moved further up the tunnels away from the battleground exit. This should prevent accidentally leaving the battleground.

It’s been too long for me to remember the details of how drastically the graveyard was moved or if it would provide an undue advantage to either side rather than prevent accidentally leaving AV.

To queue for this special version of Alterac Valley, either add an additional dialogue option to the Alterac Valley Battlemaster to queue for “Historic Alterac Valley” or create a separate battlemaster to queue at. The adjective can be changed as appropriate. I think this could be an amicable solution that does not harm any players, give undue advantages to either side that were nonexistent at the time, or require significant development resource time. It grants access to 1.12.1 AV for honor farmers/1.12.1 purists and to a bug/exploit fixed 1.5 AV for veteran players (such as myself)/players wanting to experience the epic feel of a true battle with deadly NPCs, landmines, air assaults, ground assaults, third party NPC dangers, and objectives galore.

AV of all of the BGs is the one I would least want screwed by cross realm, period.

You could earn some serious honor in OG av because - unlike the other 2 - you didn’t have to be there to get the honor, and kills got racked up fairly quickly.

I do understand this hesitation. My concern is, if multiple servers are created and we end up with some super low population servers like we did in vanilla, those servers are highly unlikely to be able to support two different versions of Alterac Valley, support Warsong Gluch, and support Arathi Basin. I could be wrong, but there could be many servers that never see either version of AV (resulting in further player loss). A possible solution would be for LOW population realms to only be considered as a cross-realm battlegroup to allow them to still participate in BGs.

You might be correct. Although, if my memory serves correctly, the few who used this method were the ones who abused the looting distance (I can’t remember if it was virtually infinite or somewhere between 100 and 40 yards). Once that was fixed, Arathi Basin was considered to be the only way to farm honor reliably. WSG didn’t have a time limit and kills in AV started to grant drastically reduced honor (25% less honor with each subsequent kill, but was later changed to 10% in some patch).

Thing is, I would personally have no interest in 2 versions made. Those who want simply to farm honor have AB and WSG to do so in.

A better solution would be for blizzard to have a more proactive system in place so that realms are not low pop or faction imbalanced in the first place.

Say what? AV became solely a rush to the end NPC, losing nearly every single thing that made it epic… it was absolutely murdered, and that’s an understatement.


I only ever remember AV being rushed like 2 or 3 times back in the day, it was extremely rare. And yeah you are blowing this way out of proportion my friend. AVs still normally lasted a hour and sometimes more. In TBC is when AV became a literal zerg fest.

I can understand a personal disinterest in two separate versions of the same instanced battleground, but I don’t see demonstable harm. Someone had mentioned “splitting the playerbase”, but I don’t think this would be an overwhelming concern or cause a significant issue overall.

Although I do agree creating a proactive system to address population concerns would be more impactful, the suggestions were potential solutions to some of the possible, historical, systems that they used in vanilla. Discussion over a proactive system ventures outside of the domain of the topic at hand: which AV version to utilize.

Not utilizing the marks of honor system would also help to ease the minds of players who only see the end of the BG as the value of playing AV.

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Sometimes i prefer 1.5 AV, sometimes i prefer 1.12 rush.

I don’t know what i want about that.

Want rush, play modern. Want old school, play old version.


1.12 AV was in vanilla (SHOCK)

Are you entirely incapable of seeing context?


are you mad bro? Relax.


The context was the guy likes both versions of AV that were present during vanilla. You then opened your mouth and suggested that if he likes 1.12 AV he should play modern WoW. Are you entirely incapable of actually thinking?


Thanks for understand my point.

I would like sometimes to be able to play the two versions but I know how difficult this is. So I’m not suggesting anything, just leaving my opinion.