PLEASE Don't Remove Dinars

I wont dispute that, but I also think that the benefit of general player satisfaction of completing a main set outweighs the negative of being dissatisfied with an off spec. You can also make alts to cover other roles.

Straight from PTR forums:


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LOL beat me to it. :rofl:

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Yep, kind of what I thought. They are being shifted to some other reward structure instead of the renown track.

Which does have me a bit curious to what they would shift it to. An achievement? I doubt they would tie it to something like ahead of the curve or killing the heroic end boss.

Well, the post did say they would give more info on it soon, so I assume we will just have to wait.

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This is why communication from them is important.

If they put out the blue post before tossing a very high profile change on to PTR players go “okay they told me this” when they see it and move on.

Instead, their terrible track record with players leads many, myself included to go “seriously? again?”

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Considering they removed the tier tokens from AoTC, KSM, and the related PVP achievement, with this change it seems a good place to shift the dinars. Although I doubt this would give them both, so not sure where the other dinar would get moved.

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And this is why you should be ignored. None of what I have said has anything to do with white knighting. You were wrong, I explained how you were wrong, and you said a bunch of more stuff that is either irrelevant or tried to discredit what I said by falsely attributing what I said to “white knighting.”

Seriously, go outside, touch grass.

There can be changes made up until the launch of the patch for the final release candidate patch that goes onto live. In the context of the conversation (with them saying “pushing this type of change […] for a release candidate” it eludes towards them insinuating that it is the final version or something akin to it), it being a release candidate patch is largely irrelevant.

But you are correct that I misspoke, so that’s accurate. I’ll go and fix that in my response to Bronze.

“It’s Blizzard’s fault I overreacted!”

Grow up.


Curious to see what they got planned then, do recall seeing a topic by someone last week saying 20 weeks was too long to get a dinar.

Might get one earlier than that.

Yeah, I can’t imagine it would be one level of renown per week. I’m unsure how fast it will go, but I’m guessing 8-12 weeks max? Otherwise people wouldn’t be getting the final rewards until 5 months into the tier which is likely the end.

Nah. They made a clear mistake by failing to communicate a major change ahead of loading it to PTR and you rushed to their defense.

Guess we don’t agree. I find that it’s an appropriate reaction. It’s a longtime overdue requested feature, and a massive rug pull on players without context.

It’s odd anyone would pretend they haven’t made last second terrible decisions before. Also if I made major changes at my job before communicating them to my end users I’d hear all about it.

Whatever they do, the #1 problem with dinars was always that you could buy items from bosses you’ve never even beaten.

That doesn’t make them “bad luck protection”. It makes the game where you kill weak bosses then buy the end boss gear from Gear-Mart.

Hopefully they come from a quest to kill the last boss or something, and only get you a track from that difficulty.

Supposedly they’re not, this was datamined and an eronious judgement was made before we had all the info. Now what that means for how and when we get them is unknown, hopefully they come in the .5 patch as a biweekly or even triweekly item.

TBF when they were added they were put in for short/meme seasons, looking at season 4 of both DF and SL’s, so they made sense in that context. However, in the end it truthfully doesn’t matter whether they grant access to end boss loot or not.