PLEASE Don't Remove Dinars

It looks like they are taking away the dinars which would let you get up to 2 raid items at like the end of the season. This is overall a good thing, and they are received at a point in the season where it can genuinely just function as BLP. Please don’t take this away…


I would wait. Its probably being moved somewhere that might be better then what we had. I would wait till probably tuesday and see if they change something before rioting.


Lol. Lmao even Blizzard.

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Players were happy with it. Therefor it must die.


if they’re being removed, that’s seriously disappointing.


Surely they are just moving them somewhere else. Surely blizzard wouldn’t just cut out a good feature for the sake of it.

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Classic Blizzard; two-strides forward over a precipice.

Not good changes.


But if people waited until Monday or Tuesday, or in other words normal working hours, for their outrage posts … they might be proven wrong!

You know the ol’ saying on these forums: “Post early, exploit people who communicate in memes and outrage!”

Honestly looking at the actual article it just looks like something about raids was disabled and a bunch of stuff got removed because of it. Or they might be making changes or whatever. Point is that they aren’t going to remove them, so folks are just going to be outrage farming posts on social media over the weekend, and on Monday/Tuesday we’ll get a blue post confirming that they are either keeping them or changing something about them.

Or pushing this type of change to PTR on a Friday night for a release candidate is far more ridiculous than any player getting mad before a Monday or Tuesday.

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surely this is a mistake

arent dinar just the currency for season 4 like last two expansions. where you can buy stuff off vendors from the raid

It is embarrassing how long I’ve played WoW and have no idea what Dinar means or stands for.

I can get like… contextually what it means but can someone just explain it to me really quick or explain the name?

I read the article and comments and can see this is… generally important. Mayhaps I need to know this.

Yes but for 11.1 they were planning on giving us two tokens at the end of the raid renown track. and suddenly they have now replaced them with mounts instead :rofl:

The number of mistakes you made in this short paragraph is actually amazing:

  1. The best time to release a patch for players to test is when players have free time to test it. That means that test patches are usually best released on Fridays or Saturdays to allow players to test over the weekend, and then fixes are implemented over the course of the week from the data gathered over the weekend.
  2. This isn’t a “release candidate” patch. The only time you have a release candidate patch that’s released to players is at the earliest of one week before the patch goes live. Prior to that (and honestly, even all the way up to the day before the patch goes onto live servers) any changes are possible to be made. It being a “release candidate” means very little since we don’t typically play on those patches anyway, as internal patches are usually a few versions ahead of whatever’s available on PTR-servers anyway.
  3. “Pushing this type” indicates that this was intentional. We have absolutely no idea if it was or wasn’t intentional for the PTR to have this stuff removed. We aren’t testing it anyway so it isn’t like it matters for PTR, so even at best this is irrelevant until we have confirmation of it being intentional.

Folks are making a chicken out a chimera of a feather! As one part of it is irrelevant (things we aren’t testing on the PTR), one part of it is intended (when it was released), and… I don’t have a good analogy for the last part of feather but I wanna say that folks conflated said feather with a bowling ball because it just isn’t how any of it works.

So… insert random bowling ball here to make the analogy even more ridiculous.

Edit: yes, it is a release candidate build - I misspoke as I was commenting more on how Bronze were referring to it, insinuating it being the or otherwise a finalized version of the patch.

There will be changes made to it because that’s how patches work. But I misspoke when I said it wasn’t a release candidate patch, because it is, even if it isn’t in the way Bronze spoke about it, which was largely what I was talking about.

When this type of currency was first introduced in Season 4 of shadowlands they were called puzzling cartel Dinars. So that’s why people are calling them Dinars. The currency essentially lets you buy a limited amount of raid items you want.

Oh I see, I missed SL. Okay, thank you!

During Shadowlands season 4, we could earn Puzzling Cartel Dinars and buy up to 3 pieces of upgradeable raid gear.

That’s where the name of “dinar” comes from, and it has now become synonymous with “currency to buy raid-level gear” as a mechanic.

Please move it to a possible M+ vault reward Blizz, thanks. :slight_smile:

What is “the Dinars”? I’m completely out of the loop.

It’s a currency introduced in Shadowlands that lets you accumulate them as a currency and buy specific raid loot items from a vendor.