pls they sucked in SL and I want to have fun for once. I don’t think it’s fair that the community is calling for all these nerfs and I don’t want you to cater to all their crying about it. DH could use a root breaker, they’re so easy to CC and SP is actually squishy so I don’t see what the problem is.
Don’t listen to them please, give the expansion some time so they can get better.
I don’t mean like they absolutely sucked in SL, I meant that their rotation was bad very boring and dull. The rotation actually takes a lot of skill and critical thinking. You can wall the hunt easily b4 it goes off so you have to time it good and making sure all the enemies are close together for cleaving. its not my fault they stand so close together.
It’s honestly kind of hard to tell because if you’ve ever popped into the rogue and/or demon hunter discord you’d know that they’re all unironically like this.
That doesn’t actually prove anything because most of the time in solo q everyone just zugs and makes it easy for a DH to kill them.
If you look at leaderboards pvp that you see plenty of other classes up there but no one says anything about that?
who cares if a lot of people play DH everyone got bored of playing other classes for so many years it got boring the leaderboards are strictly based off participation