Are DH players in the same category as tank players at this point?
The cringe of this post, over 9000.
by that you mean people exist and dh derps into them and wins. I have watched dh’s who miss every kick and dr every stun and overextend behind pillars for no reason go 5-1 / 6-0 in solo shuffle because dh.
Is this biebs or something?
Nah. Biebz trolls are both obvious and at least semi goofy.
This sadly seems serious.
Pound sand bois, we’re not getting nerfed no matter how much you whine and cry
SP/DH/UHDK/Demo all need adjusted. These are the outlier dps specs that are making the game feel terrible for everyone else.
Wow blizz did exactly what whiners wanted, nerfing DH/SP
Good job cry babies, this is why there’s always metas
Oh wow, this actually wasn’t a troll thread. Hysterical.
i dont wanna be toxic or harsh, but man…you really need to learn how to check information…it would have been pretty hard to find a point in time in recent expansions when some spec was overperforming everything else by such margin as DH is now…and SPs are right there with them after latest buffs, they are just not so much in your face cause u cant be a complete potato on SP like u can on a DH…fact remains, currently, DH/SP/assa rogue and to some extent UH DK is just playing 11.0 and if you cant see it, you are part of the problem
it’s fine man, just don’t nerf my next reroll class because you don’t have any skill to beat it.
ye sometimes i cant tell if ppl are trolling or being real
Shadow Priest is squishy? That’s a weird thing to say.
Everyone’s been playing elemental shaman for the past 2 weeks anyway. RSS is literally packed with everyone rerolling ele.
every class and spec has its day… Assa rogue sepsis one shot sure was fun while it lasted lol.
I just got a notice of banning for stating a spec is brain dead - and you freely being personal and call people idiots with no repercussions.
Blizz doesn’t know how to balance anything….
Remember when DH’s were literally one shotting with The Hunt without any modifier?
Lol nice, that’s awesome