Please don't make the launch date June 1st

Whatever blizzard do, they cannot let TBC classic launch right after downtime. The last thing we need is a mad rush and insane queues to log in for the people taking time off work. Make it a soft launch on a thursday or something, like every other xpac has been for the last, however long it’s been. I don’t want rng to decide if i make it in the game for the first 24 hours.


0% chance it launches June 1st


But someone posted a picture on Reddit and that means it has to be :joy:

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June 1st, or any tuesday is my point. Don’t make it a tuesday launch, please for the love of god


You’ve had the longest time to prepare jesus…Most people I know say the same thing: we want TBC ASAP


I wouldn’t worry as several things are still broken in beta.

Wait. Does that means those broken things will be pushed live too?

How exactly do you prepare for rng post-downtime launch day queues?

10 hour queue to login for TBC omegalul

I’m sure that it was true once. But it’s definitely not true now.

I’m not following why a Tuesday is any better or worse than a Thursday…? Do you like have to get back to your crops or something

I bet june 1st it’s prepatch date

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Tuesday = weekly maintenance.
Thursday = regular day.

They just need to switch the dark portal so we can pass through, no rush to login, longer queues etc.

Not that hard to understand, but I get why you have hard time to get it.

Because on a thursday, you can have been logged in for 48 hours beforehand waiting for the xpac to go live, on a tuesday, it’s right after downtime, and everyone will be trying to log in at the same time

So you’re basing this on the assumption you’ll be able to keep your place by staying logged in for 2 days?

Seems like a stretch and pretty unhealthy besides?

Your software knowledge is just astounding…

Yea… they’ll just flip a switch and voila. TBC!!

Doesn’t need to be 48 hours, if I log in during the morning, even 12 hours beforehand, I’ll be able to be logged in for the launch.

They literally did this for nax, you know that right? And like, every retail expansion since at LEAST wod. It’s a technology they’ve had available for a long time.

Naxx =!= TBC…

The way this ends is pretty predictable anyway. You log in 24 hours beforehand so you can get ahead of the queue. Launch comes… server resets. You’re thrown back in the queue and you lose your mind nerdraging. Forum posts are created. Threats to quit are made.

The whole point of a soft launch is that the servers DONT need to reset.

Yes, it is, by miles compared to yours.

Well, see, this is the part where I tell you what you should’ve known at this point, but you still… dont.

TBC pre-patch will not be applied to your Classic client.
It will be a different client installation.
You will have your current classic installation and a new TBC installation.

On TBC pre-patch you will play with the new game, the version we already need to cross the dark portal.

All they need to activate the dark portal is… just flip a switch (or activate it in the backend).

So, this is it, a small explanation for a simpleton understand.

And yet they inevitably will

I understand you’re really upset about some other post but you really gotta let it go