Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

From as little as we know of her side of the story, it’s pretty clear that she thinks what she is doing is right. She doesn’t want to hurt the orcs, she wants to, and I quote, save them from themselves.

So if she is genuinely convinced that a complete cultural conversion of Draenor (and probably the rest of the universe) to the Light is a righteous and positive action, how is it any different from brainwashing?


When Grom started fighting against Gul’dan, he did so alongside us and Yrel. Text in the quest itself from people who lived through the event tells us that the Magh’har and Draenei went on to then expel the Legion together. It wasn’t until after the Legion was done for that the Draenei turned their attention elsewhere.

We know the events of BfA take place some 30+ years after WoD because we’re told that when the Bronze Dragon Kairozdormu took Garrosh to Draenor the first time, he didn’t just go to Draenor, they went into the past. This is explained in the Warcrimes novel (don’t have a direct quote, but references to it if you want) and is why the trailer for WoD opens with “35 Years ago”.

However, when the Horde player returns to Draenor in the events of BfA, they do not go through by the same means and do not travel back in time. Grommash has an adult child compared to when he had no children in WoD. Gey’rah, who wasn’t even born as of WoD–as her mother Drakka was pregnant for the first time–is now well and truly an adult. We’re in a contemporary Draenor, some 30 years after the events of WoD.

This new generation has been fighting the Legion alongside the Draenei until, as explained in the first link, the Draenei turned on them. They don’t mention anything about wanting to stop the Iron Horde, which has been gone for decades. Yrel and Grommash have since become closer, so in her eyes he has made amends for his past crimes.

This is not a case of the Lightborn forces simply acting in self defense. They are the aggressors in this scenario. They are conquering/slaughtering other races of Draenor–not to stop tyrants–but out of their own religiously fueled apocalyptical beliefs.

There is evidence of mind control in the fact that Xe’ra’s Lightforging can transmogrify someone, altering not just their physical body. And the constant references to zealotry, fanatacism and But no, no examples of her just puppeting people around.

I’m not saying she is being mind controlled. Merely that being under superntural influence as a result of having her body/mind altered by Lightbinding/forging or purposefully mislead/manipulated by would be an out.

I don’t think Yrel was the best candidate either. I think Blizzard would have been better off using someone who actually lives on Azeroth, who is an established figure in the Church of the Holy Light, and isn’t acting under the influence of some big bad supernatural force. You know, give the Alliance and Light as practiced on Azeroth some more nuance.

I’m pretty sure that the decision to go with Yrel–who isn’t even a member of the Alliance and exists in a alternate universe–and possibly Turalyon–who hasn’t been a member of the Alliance for decades and has spent that time hanging out in parallel universes–is due to Blizzard’s general tendency over the years to distance the Alliance and its major characters as much as possible from anything that would tarnish their image as being squeaky clean/always on the right side/justified at all times.

But Light based antagonists, and even outright villains, have always been a thing in WoW. I can’t agree that the concept makes for a bad story.


Grom fighting with us against Gul’dan doesn’t change his selfish motivations. He was being tortured by Fel Lord Zakun in Hellfire Citadel, and Archimonde would’ve killed him too.

We only get small, cherry-picked pieces of the story in the quest, from the likely biased Geya’rah and the very incomplete “Sermon”. The problem isn’t the timespan, but the actions of the people involved, at least one of whom - AU Gom - is still alive and unpunished. Sucks for the new generation caught up, but they fell into lockstep being the war criminal AU Grom; was AU Grom imprisoned for his war crimes? Was he exiled? He clearly wasn’t executed, so how has he been punished?

Yrel never said Grom made amends, it sounds like the writers just swept all legitimate grievances under the rug to try and villain-bat Yrel and co. What evidence is there of mind control? Manipulation and mind-control aren’t the same thing. Changing someone’s body isn’t the same as changing their mind.

Light-wielding antagonists exist, but Yrel and the AU Draenei were a poor choice. Heck, even MU Xe’ra wasn’t a villain (something I think certain writers and fans forgot because she reminds them of rl authority figures they dislike - that “Illidan killing Xe’ra” cinematic looks like it was made by someone with issues since it’s so edgy all Illidan was missing was a trenchcoat, a fedora, a katana and the line “Nothing personal, kid.”) but she tries to Lightforge ONE elf by force, and she’s suddenly compared to sanity-shredding planet eaters and a sadistic demon army that wants to destroy the universe.

P.S I think I’ve developed a bit of a hatedom lol. It’s funny that every time I comment on this subject, the same people keep vote-brigading to upvote whoever disagrees with me.

I am not a fan of anyone getting the villain bat. And I really don’t want to see it happen to Turaylon; especially because we have a lack of Paladins alive in lore now. Also, not a fan of breaking down the compassionate and virtuous trope. It is good to have some characters to believe in.

One thing I find odd is that no one stands up for the Light. Anytime a faction “loses its way”, a select few stand up for its principles. We see it with the Horde, in Suramar, in Revendreth, etc.

We are told these fanatics do not represent the soul of a faction.

Yet, the opposite happens with the Light. It feels like the Light characters become humbled.

I wish Velen and Turaylon being compassionate individuals with wisdom gained from 1000s of years told Illidan that Xe’ra had made a grave mistake. Instead Turaylon does nothing and Velen believes Illidan’s (who had no problem enslaving people) thoughts on freedom and destiny.


Seems like the writers are pushing the current zeitgeist of “believing in a higher power leads to bad things or is a bad idea.”

I’d like to see at least one Light worshipper who’s sincere in their beliefs and successfully defends them to a non-believer.

You mean like Anduin?

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When did Anduin do this, and to who?

No I mean Anduin is the type of character who would do that.

And seems like you’re pushing some twisted interpretation of one of six cosmological forces in this setting, because you’ve superimposed your own religious ideals upon it. And thus why you find such discomfort with “expanding on and giving layers to the Light, just like Blizz is doing to all 5 other Cosmological Forces” … or portraying those who partake in Light worship with any sort of nuance or flaws.

Its also why I’ve seen you invalidating the Scarlets as an example that the Light has always had the capacity for Darker shades (its just never really been explored), because “their faith was being manipulated against them by demons”. While simultaneously condemning Orcish Spirit/Elemental Worship in your defenses of the Lightbound, despite the Orcs “Faith being manipulated against them by demons”. Even though only one of those two forces (Light/Elementals) condemned their followers for their actions and denied access to their powers as a consequence (despite knowing they were manipulated). And it was not the Light.

So whats your point? It seems you’re just trying to replace what you see as someone else’s superimposed agenda (treating the Light like all 5 other Cosmological Forces), with your own superimposed agenda?


If Blizz have to corrupt someone in the Alliance, it should be Alleria.
Yeah I’m biased now cos all the symbolic Paladins are gone or retconned (WoD Maraad, Legion Tirion, SL Uther & Mograine) and Turalyon is the only one left. I’m sooooo sad. So so sad.
Maybe they will corrupt and ruin Anduin’s character so that I can leave this horrible retconworld for good.


So you want the only void leader representative to get the villain bat using the excuse that it would be bat for light user to see one of the many leader get the villain bat???

As you say, you are biased because your comment is everything but objective. If we are just to talk about light user, the alliance still have Anduin and Velen. If we are to talk just paladin, the horde still have Liadrin. Worth mentioning that the horde also have Talanji as a priest.

So yeah the alliance would lose their only paladin leader but the game would still have many light user and still have at least one important paladin character. Meanwhile you just asked to get rid of the only void leader that the game have.

No no Turalyon is not just one of the many leaders from Paladin perspective.
He is one of the greatest Paladins in Azeroth history that Silver Hand and all the Paladins respect.
Liadrin was one of my followers in Legion, but Turalyon has his statue at Paladin Order Hall. They are different in terms of weight.

And so? Alleria is even more of THE GREATEST void user that we have while also being the only important one but you don’t seem to care about that so why should we care about one of the many light user and a paladin that was only there for not even 4 years while there is other paladin?

No no. Alleria is the one who has been void user for 4 years.
But Turalyon has been a Palain for the entire wow history.

And, when it comes to void user, wait a little bit, Anduin will be greater void user than Alleria in no time. At the end of this xpac, or next xpac,
what I want to say is that void user leader can be replaced as Anduin. :woman_shrugging:

Edit) But sadly, like you said, not because she is the void user, but because she is the leader of void elves… yeah it’s likely it’s gonna be Turalyon.

Also, note, the reason many Alliance players seem “SO” comfortable with the idea of Alleria getting villain batted, is because it plays into their expectations of her. She also holds no real power within the Alliance itself politically, so her actions are less likely to reflect poorly on the whole if she were to go nuts. In short, they’re OK with it, because they’ve already prepped themselves to disassociate from her instantly, to preserve the Faction’s Moral Absolutist power fantasy. Harder to do with someone like Turalyon in his given High King role.

And its not like its even being suggested he’d be outright Villain batted. At worst, he’d just be getting a bit of a Ner’zhul treatment to let the Alliance get some serious hits in, but also kickstart some “Shadows of the Light” Cosmology Expac. With this “Light Mother” taking on the role of Sargaras. Yrel being the KJ insert, tempted into visions of a grand crusade through her having her prophetic visions she had dumped on her with no training used against her. And lastly, Turalyon, being the Ner’zhul. A well meaning man just trying to do whats best for his people, having his faith exploited against him to do something awful. Only realizing too late his mistake (and him getting “bound” as a consequence of that). All you’d need is a “Bladewind Clan” incident for a catalyst.

This concept is cool because A: It gives both Turalyon AND Yrel prospective “outs”, and lets rescuing the prior from the latter be an objective for the Alliance (and his wife); B) Allows the subversion of expectations of races with negative stigma attached to them, like the VElves, AU Mag’har, and Forsaken. Letting them show their grit and capacity for heroism; And C) even places the Lightforged Draenei in center stage to have a clash of ideologies (a Clash of the Light) between those FORGED by the Light … and those BOUND by it.


And was out for nearly the entire time while many other paladin have take the spotlight.
Alleria was out for the same amount of time and is only recently filling a spot that no one ever filled.

Anduin is the great light user. If anything he will be a disc, not a real void user…

No. Just no. Dont spit on void fan by making Anduin their leader just so you and other paladin can have you wet dream of the great male human paladin.

Or mostly because she filled a spot that people find way more interesting that yet a other male human paladin.

What do you mean? They are gone from the lore together and returned together.

Nah what I’m saying is he will be able to use void as a shadow priest, it’s most possible conclusion based on what we’ve seen in the lore. From the book and what he’s been though in SL. I’m not making it, Blizzard is doing it now.

And what’s wrong about great male human paladin? That’s all what I’m talking about. He is only one left.

No her spot is not interesting at all. But this is just opinions, so, okay,

I didn’t know you are a void fan, then how about Jaina instead of Alleria? I’m okay with her gone corrupted too. I prefer Khadgar.
Although I’m seriously doubt Blizz will do it tho. :woman_shrugging:

Anduin is 100% a disc. Don’t know what you are on about but nothing in lore suggests that he will suddenly lost all of his light power even more considering that he is suppose to be the leader of the light army against the void…So you once again ask for the void fan to be stuck with a haft void user just so you can have one of the few paladin/ light user that we have.

Everything wrong about MHP. Nobody outside of alliance paladin like them and we just had to much of them. Even when they got rid of the last one they had to bring back a other one few patch later…

The game would be great if we had other race paladin instead. In fact the game would be great if we wouldn’t have so much human being the best of x class.

Yup that is your opinion because i can assure you that not many find a MHP interesting.

Hmm okay, that’s also difference in opinions, and I prefer him to be disc, so…
But what I’m thinking is he will be able to use both of them. Why not, he is a priest. Being able to use void as a shadow priest doesn’t mean he will lose his light power. Why do you think like that?

This is the least objective opinion of yours, too.

Like you said, we have other race paladins too. Why can’t we keep only one left historical male human paladin?

You don’t have any problems having something not interesting.

And you didn’t answer to my question about Jaina. If you want to keep Alleria for her being in special position, I can say the same thing about Turalyon. How about Jaina? I think Alliance have too many mages.

Edit) But whatever I say, according to Void prophecy, it’s either Anduin or Turalyon who’s gonna be corrupted. And highly likely Turalyon of course. Blizz will make you win. :woman_shrugging:

Can’t wait to kill Turalyon. It is time that the ranks of the alliance suffer serious damage.