Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

Yeah it started with an NPC in Stowmind who sent you to Desolace to meet up with another member of the scarlet crusade. The emissary sought to recruit you to the Crusade by killing a few undead in the area. Afterwards you got sent southshore to speak to the emissary there. However when you find the emissary he reveals that he had left the Scarlet Crusade because he suspected something was wrong with the organization and how fanatical they had become (although he didn’t know why). You are then sent to kill the leaders of the Crusade in the monastery.

You literally use generalized phrases, names, and lump all Alliance posters/fans/characters together on an almost thread, by thread basis.

If suggesting Geya’rah meant her words on eradicating an entire race is villain batting her? Or enough to make you lose your mind over the fact she might be catch a bat? Then when you say it for other characters it’s the same.

You literally comme- whine, gripe, complain, and wail like in every thread with an almost script read accuracy, I’m generally curious how different each iteration is from one another, and by how few words.

Explaining your take, and blessing for those character doesn’t remotely address what I’ve said. People want Tyrande dead for no reason, and you know it. Genn for Stormheim. Turalyon obviously for some of his first actions as a non-neutral character, if not ancient history, and stuff that hasn’t even happened yet. Then you try to bawl over how it’s someone asking for the Alliance to have a “purity test”. Get over yourself.

It is because the WM bonus is client based, not server or region based. OCE and Latin American servers use the NA Client. Just so happens that the total WM ON population leans more towards the horde. Also the WM ON bonus atm is only 15% for Alliance, which is 5% higher than the hordes at 10%. I’ve never seen it at 30% in Shadowlands except maybe the first week.

It doesn’t actually have to be Turalyon acting. He just has to cause the issue. He could accept offer of aide from a certain Naru and her golden army, unleashing them on Azeroth.

Fair enough, I need to be more aware of that. Its just sometimes its hard to follow your responses when you keep saying I said things that I’ve never said.

Regardless, I did over react. But Geya’rah making a single comment about a people who did kill her father, try to wipe out her culture, and stole/destroyed her world … right after she escaped that world … is not sufficient motive for me to go all angst on her. Nor want to see her villain batted. I just don’t want to see the Lightbound validated either. Two wrongs don’t make a right in this situation, and Geya’rah wasn’t even born until after the Iron Horde. On top of her being the kid of the AU Frostwolf heads.

As for Tyrande? Never wanted her dead. I’d be pissed if they killed her, and as long as Thrall and Baine can help settup her 1v1 against Sylvie … have at that head muscle-lady. End Queen Plot Convenience for the good of us all. As for Genn in Stormheim, I get what he did and why he did it. What I didn’t like is that no-one was allowed a reaction to it … for plot-convenience. Its the same reason I don’t like how no Horde were allowed to react to Teld … for plot-convenience. Consequences should be the most important part.

And Turalyon? I ask you? For what reason does he have to be neutral? For what reason does he have to take Anduin’s stance on the Horde? Or its races? He may not be a Warmonger, but what personal experiences has he (a man who’s known nothing but conflict for a 1000 years) had with the Current Horde (of which only the BEs and NBs were present on Argus) that would result in him either caring, or trusting, my faction? Teldrassil? The 4th War? Or is it just something expected of him “because”?

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For what reason does he have to be neutral?

Past tense, he was a neutral character in Legion. Reclaiming Argus, and defending life from the Legion.

Why the hell does your faction even have justification at this point for not joining Sylvanas’ Mawsworn army?

Right, but as a direct consequence of Blizz making the majority of the Horde inconsequential in that expansion (especially on Argus) … is that the only real experiences Turalyon has with the modern Horde … is the 4th War and Teld. So I ask you again, given HIS life, and HIS experiences, for what reason should he care for … or even trust the Horde? Why should he not consider the Faction as a dangerous and potentially evil entity? Unlike Kadghar, he didn’t spend tons of time on MU Outlands as far as we know. Forced to get to know the locals beyond their corruption. So … what are his motive submitting to Anduin’s ideologies here?

EDIT: And again … random tangent out of nowhere. I would assume because she lied, used, betrayed and tricked us into a War meant to end in our deaths too?

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Because reacting appropriately, and getting a kill on Sylvanas, wouldn’t allow the stupid Horde the room they need for victimhood. They would have to go down, and take a dip when it might actually hurt people’s feelings and opinions. Reacting in turn to events isn’t something the Horde can handle at the moment, so instead we would much rather have him dwell on it for long enough for them to see it as something they can more monstrously rail against him with instead of something that makes tonal sense.

Tyrande, Genn, and I think Dwarves are still in the Alliance story not sure, but we’ll leave it at the Elf and Worgen. They’re actually not allowed to hVe a voice, because as we’ve seen. Even being correct about why to attack the Horde is ‘WHOA WHAT” for the Alliance as a faction. And SURE, that’s a purity test. He couldn’t listen to the people of Azeroth like them. Instead? Velen, Anduin, Jaina,Valeera. Folks like this from Azeroth can influence him instead.

And, for what it matters. I don’t care if Turalyon makes mistakes, as long as he gets to cleave people in half, it makes cognitive sense for the narrative, and isn’t a wild hair scenario. I don’t want the Alliance to have to maintain itself more importantly, as if there were some reason Turalyon SHOULD’NT attack the Horde. But, if Anduin is the one telling us to wrangle other members of the Alliance, then the Alliance deserves a questline where you do NOT have to adhere to the boy king.

I literally just said I would love for Tyrande to take Sylvanas’ head. I said nothing about victimhood. I have repeatedly said I would be absolutely fine with the Alliance getting some serious long overdue hits in against the Horde; provided it isn’t just about giving the Alliance players a m*sturbatory power fantasy … and allows for some serious development and stress tests of our Council and Characters. Even if we lose territories and stuff. And I have repeatedly said that I have no investment in the Faction Conflict, but I do recognize that the Alliance playerbase deserves to take the gloves off and let loose (so long as they don’t also expect to keep their hands clean whilst doing it).

And again, shifting topics. Making this about other discussions you’ve had with other Horde posters. Dodging the question. My question for you here Vuld is simple. Why would Turalyon, given his own life experiences and experiences with the current Horde, default to Anduin’s idealism? Why would he, given he only really knows the current Horde in the setting of the 4th war and Teld … not consider them dangerous and potentially evil? With his being backed by the House of Nobles; having a Dread Lord as a trusted advisor; and seeing his home he fought so hard for in ruins … whats preventing action here? Provided he has the right instigating catalyst and perhaps advantage?

Is it really just because its expected of him as an Alliance character?


provided isn’t just about giving the Alliance players a m*sturbatory power fantasy

Because, god forbid the Alliance be allowed to do something like what the Horde does every time they’re…

lied, used, betrayed and tricked us into a War

To answer.

Is it just because its expected of him as an Alliance character?

Let’s say your a devout Horde loyalist and it’s religious for you Droite. But, you’re fighting communist Russia. You, and your wife leave Azeroth to fight communists on the moon leaving your life on Azeroth behind. You stay they for 1000 years.

Eventually the Horde shows up, and helps you, and even the Russians of Azeroth are there helping you defeat the arch moon commies. The Horde is victorious on the moon, but when you land back on Azeroth it suddenly comes to light. Your sister-in-law is the Prime Minister of the Russian’s on Azeroth, and is APPARENTLY acting on her own behest, even like the defeated commies, instead of for the greater good of the Russians.

Is the connection of the family, and the constant chiding of your Horde High King not enough to make you consider what they may have to weight in on the topic?

If you’d like a condensed version.
Anduin has to make sure the Horde have enough wiggle room, so they can justify getting attacked again is considered rude, so Anduin has to make sure Turalyon is influenced enough to wait about attacking, instead of defying him earlier.

This is what you’ve convinced yourself we’ve received. Nothing more.

And again, I reiterate. The Horde barely had a presence on Argus. Part of the consequence of the writing of that Expac. It was just two BEs, and the NBs if you want to include their later recruitment. And apparently Liadrin and Aethas’ presence on Argus was so inconsequential that Turalyon wasn’t even aware that the Horde had Paladins until the Arathi Warfront. As for Sylvie, Vareesa and Alleria were constantly complaining about her on Argus. Which means, primarily, the only real experiences that Turalyon has with the current Horde … is the 4th War and Teld. That’s his info he’s operating on.

On top of this, Turalyon’s current position as Interim High King was not a decision of Anduin’s. It was a decision made by the House of Nobles. They are politically backing him. And a Dread Lord has his trust and ear. So again, with the right catalyst (especially while all the Peaceniks are gone), what is preventing action from him against the Horde?

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Do you think it was a decision of Anduin’s that Turalyon didn’t understand the Horde were supposed to be “people” instead of monsters? Lol

This is what you’ve convinced yourself we’ve received. Nothing more.

Excuse me? Nathanos laughs in Tyrande’s face when she kills him, and Sylvanas is lounging in a throne when the Alliance break her city with a siege.

He almost attacks Faol on sight, and would have killed him instantly had Anduin not been there to give Alonsus a chance to speak. And Alonsus only got through that situation by putting his own life at risk, and being himself. Then you add in his behavior in Shadows Rising … and its not so clear how he perceives the races of the Horde. Its very murky.

You’re response was to me saying that I’m fine with the Alliance getting some serious hits in as long as it wasn’t JUST a m*sturbatory power fantasy for the Alliance playerbase. But also an opportunity to develop and stress test our Character Roster and Council. Then you made the implication that is what the Horde got … in MoP and BfA? Which is only something you convinced yourself we got. We got the one win he had to get to deem us the villains for the entire expac (barely), then got shamed for it for 2+years. And btw, shocker, Nathanos is a walking sass machine (how dare he act in character) and Sylvanas is being a cocky tease (she does that from time to time). I’m not sure how these two (who’s story took the Horde for a joyride and destroyed us) is supposed to be us getting a “mast;rbatory power fantasy”?


I actually checked this and it’s an incorrect account of events. GENN would have killed him if Anduin wasn’t there, but Turalyon, while pissed, allowed Faol to speak.

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its not so clear how he perceives the races of the Horde. Its very murky.

Yet you’re speaking for his character, imagine that.

Droite good grief why do you repeat the same sentences over, and over it’s like you’re trying to make the conversation as absurd to deal with as you possibly can.

That’s still a wank off fantasy for Horde players who are obsessed with Sylvanas, and probably feel like they’re competing with Nathanos. If things aren’t on a surface level, idk why you’re always using parentheses as if it’s something simple to understand, you always have to expand anything for your own defense.

Doesn’t Turalyon literally feel bad for attacking Faol after? I genuinely don’t know for sure. Good thing Anduin was there right, Droite? :confused:

If Turalyon has such a rager for killing the Horde, why did he stop to begin with? Wouldn’t you want the full story on why your sister-in-law specifically was leading your sworn enemies as well? Not the cliff notes.


WoT was such a wankfest for the Horde. You literally have quests where you decide who lives, and who dies. You can heal people, or kill them. Pass over innocents, or chuckle about killing them. You’re credibility on saying this event was something else is a load of bull. Deciding who lives and who dies is cringe enough to fit the bill for what you’re talking about, even though you don’t like that you got it.

Sigh … and this is the part of conversation you start making personal attacks. I really gotta learn my lesson with discussing anything with you man. You turn conversations into weird anti-Horde rants so often.

Regardless, I realistically don’t expect anything from Turalyon. I expect him to be as stoic, forthright, virtuous, and eternally level headed as every other Alliance character. I expect a character that can never be tricked; or manipulated. Can never make mistakes, or have consequences for them. Who is every bit the paragon of righteousness that every other Alliance character has become. Even Genn these days, with him turning Anduin into a surrogate son. its just how the Alliance is written, and it is part of why I hope we never revisit the Faction Conflict ever again if possible.

Its why when I see the “The Golden claims a vacant throne. The Crown of Light will bring only Darkness” … its pretty clearly referring to Turalyon. But I expect nothing from it beyond maybe Turalyon installing dimmer switches in SW castle. Power conservation yall! No more than I expect Alleria to ever have any real consequences from the void, no matter how much Blizz teases it.


It’d be nice if you spent half as much time suggesting ways to build up the Horde as you do complaining that the Alliance isn’t providing the Horde with sufficient reason to hate them.


Yeah, -I’m- wrong in this Droite scenario, because I literally just don’t like reading repetition of her previous post above, over, and over.

Not to mention they’re borderline copy pasted from other instances where she posts.

I mean, I’ve done plenty of that as well. I just don’t see a way to do that properly so long as the Alliance remains a monolith of Morality. I’ve gone into great lengths of what I want to see for the Horde, and each of its individual races. And reps for that matter. And absolutely none of it involves the Alliance at all, save for perhaps a few localized territorial disputes (like the Hinterlands). Frankly, I’d be happy if I could get an entire expansion having the two Factions not interact at all. And do their own things, while reconnecting with their people’s and rebuilding. While staying out of eachother’s ways.