Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

Are people (not Alliance fans) open to the possibility that the Lightbound aren’t complete villains? Overlord Geyarah isn’t exactly a good person and admits she would revel in the slaughter of Azeroth’s Draenei so I’m a little suspect to 100% put my support behind her and believe her and her people that they are wholly the victims in this conflict… especially when WoD left on a sour note with Warchief Hellscream still basically being an evil guy who made no attempt to atone for his acts.

I’d still say Lightbound probably end up villainous but I am personally open to the possibility that there’s more at play here than meets the eye.


My God … she makes one comment about it right after she escaped the loss of her world and the majority of her people. LOL, jeez, what an angsty baby. How dare she be a bit twitchy and aggro about Light Worshipping Draenei while just escaping a fanatical group of Light Worshipping Draenei? Foolish Orc, must be her bad genetics. After all, with how Blizz has written WoW for the last 10 years, Race is absolutely analogous to Morality now. I have no doubt in my mind that Yrel and the Lightbound will be whitewashed and so buried under justifications and excuses they are proven right by default.

I cannot wait for Blizz to pull a “Light” Worshipping group of foreigners “saving the primitive indigenous savages from themselves and their evil and sinful faith/way of life” (or killing them) as a good thing. After all “The Light” (or specifically how its worshipped by the Draenei and Humans of this setting) has nothing in common with any real world parallels that might make that messaging SUPER fun.


Don’t lose hope. There is potential that Blizzard might do something good with the Mag’har.

Naw. Despite the fact that they have shown that Geya’rah is quite capable of learning from her mistakes, or the mistakes of those around her; that she DEEPLY cares about the well being of what remains of her people; and reinforcing that the AU Mag’har are in a terrible place and hyper dependent on the Horde for their very survival atm … they’re just a bunch of suicidal bigots who will gladly kill themselves at a chance to kill even one Draenei (and drag their allies down with them). Gotta keep the window open for another round of villain batting for the Horde after all. Doesn’t matter if it makes sense in form or function.

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Then the Horde should stop being pansies and support them in what they are doing. Like any good ally would. The partnership of the Horde isn’t worth anything if the rest of the team aren’t willing to support each other in times where it matters the most. Like for example to wage war on the Lightbound.

Sigh … I forgot who I was talking to for a moment. You’re all about aggro, and edge, and being contrarian to the Alliance. Geya’rah being villain batted is something you might actually enjoy.

Who says Geya’rah will be villain batted? Have you this little faith in Blizzard that you already believe that they would throw potential growth for Geya’rah out of the window? You got to give Blizzard more credit then that.

Do I? Really? 10+ years of a massive neglect when it comes to actually building up the faction, and just as much time of Blizzard (increasingly) trying to maintain a fixated Purity Test for the Alliance and their races? And while I do not think for a moment that your vision of “Geya’rah Development” lines up with mine, the only possible way that could even be an option is if Blizz doesn’t whitewash and validate what the LightBOUND are doing. And commits to them at least being an aggressive/antagonistic entity. Which is the crux of my concern/issue with the Lightbound is. Whether Blizz’s constant non-committal nature when it comes to “Alliance Aggression” will extend to 3rd party comprised of an Alliance race?


The Yaungol, yes they are very much misunderstood and if they would stop attacking the Pandaren for a moment, they could come to peace. But the Mantid are very much understood. They seek nothing more the the total annihilation of the Pandaren.

He wasn’t being hypocritical at all. Because his situation is completely different from that of the Horde and the Alliance. The Horde and Alliance are just spoiled brats hitting at each other, thinking that who ever hits harder wins.

At least the Pandaren actually know what they’re fighting for.

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I don’t think he was being hypocritical, but Taran Zhu was coming from a place of ignorance since the reason why the alliance and horde landed on Pandaria were for entirely different reasons. The horde was there to conquer it, but the alliance was initially just there to find Anduin before going “we must protect these people from the horde.”

It’s why I never really got the complaints about alliance fans being angry at him for trying to chastise them, because he’s wrong about them.

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It’s because the narrative never treated him as being wrong about them, it treated him as the Wise Man Bowing His Head Solemnly saying “both sides are the same” and he was never rebuked for it.

Him telling Jaina of all people to “just walk away” was particularly insulting, considering that it was the Horde that came to her at Theramore.


They fight over petty differences. The Pandaren and Taren Zhu should continue trying harder for peace. One could argue they are the TRUE people of Pandaria.

How exactly? If the Alliance are wrong for defending themselves or protecting their interests than so are the Pandaren. How dare the Night Elves or the Alliance defend themselves after Teldrassil being burnt down or Theramore being bombed. They’re just “spoiled brats” for trying to survive!

I’m not sure how the Pandaren’s situation is somehow more righteous or justified.

With the Yaungol, they do. That’s why the Shadow Pan leaves them alone until they start attacking them again.

The Mantid don’t want peace.

Because neither the Horde nor the Alliance fight SOLELY for survival. They fight for selfishness; for ego; for sport. They fight because the WANT to fight, not because they have to.

Then you don’t understand what the Pandaren have been fight for for generations.

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Ain’t there a way to report folks for ban evasion lol

All my reported posts were restored. Three of them. Doesn’t seem like Blizzard WANTS to ban me. SO I am free to post as I please.

In fairness, the yaungol were the one race in Pandaria whose aggression was primarily unnatural. Their situation was pretty quickly identified and understood by the player because while they’re ordinarily insular and hostile to intruders, by all indications their invasion of Kun-Lai was a direct result of the Sha messing with their heads and not something they’d have been interested in doing otherwise.

Before the Sha drove them to attack, the Shado-pan seemed to consider the yaungol ostensibly under their protection along with all the other denizens of Pandaria, even if the yaungol themselves didn’t really share that belief and just want to be left alone.

As they’re seemingly no longer attacking Kun-Lai by the end of BfA (given the mogu army amassed there instead), it’s likely that with the Sha defeated and the mantid quelled, the yaungol probably all headed back to the Townlong Steppes so they could go back to not dealing with outsiders any more.

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This sounds like you convinced a community mod to reverse your ban given you told others you had been perma banned

But aight

He claimed he made a new account altogether to keep posting, and an inattentive mod probably won’t notice / care until this new account builds up enough infractions to deliver another ban.


Plus only 34 posts.

Only a matter of time I guess.

Geya’rah’s comment wasn’t about Light-worshipping Draenei, just Draenei. Also remember that when Sylvanas arrested Baine and killed Thomas for freeing Derek from being made into Sylvanas’ weapon, Geya’rah was one of the only two faction leaders who approved of Sylvanas’ decision.

Geya’rah tars all Draenei with the same brush due to experiences with the Lightbound: “Don’t give her a hard time, look at what she’s been through.”
Yrel tars all Orcs with the same brush due to experiences with the Iron Horde: “She’s an evil fanatic!”

By the way, why did the Mag’har wipe out the Primals? They did nothing to them?

Plus Blizz pulling the “Light worshipping foreigners saving the primitive indigenous savages from themselves and their ‘evil’ ways” wouldn’t work (several groups did this irl… how do you think the Ottoman Empire formed). In part because they already pulled the “Local people turn into racial supremacists and attack immigrant refugees fleeing persecution.” before with the Orcs against the Draenei; because that totally has nothing in common with any real world parallels that might make that messaging SUPER fun.