Eh, that can be soft retconned.
He didn’t actually die, he simply joined the Lightbound and hence the Alliance. Willingly of course.
Eh, that can be soft retconned.
He didn’t actually die, he simply joined the Lightbound and hence the Alliance. Willingly of course.
I don’t want your Undead NEs man. Take em. I also definitely don’t want your Calia, please for the love of god take her. Frankly, I’ve grown really sick of Blizz “neutraling” or “hording” your characters and stuff, because they’re too lazy to develop anything for the Horde itself (more cost effective to make us a tagalong when they aren’t using us a plot-device to build up future expacs and villains I suppose).
EDIT: Also, I really would love for you guys to at least get Gilneas and Dalaran back full time. I don’t care about either of them, just like Teldrassil was nothing but frustrating … because I could have cared less about that zone. Or Ashenvale for that matter. Geographically and conceptually Stonetalon has always been the bigger prize for the Horde if we were try to take anything. Easier to hold, tons of natural resources, and the window to all of southern Kali. Including a healing Desolace and Feralas.
I always thought Void Elves making Blood Elves betray their own faction via their own methods of conversion was a great comparison to Forsaken and Humans but I guess not since they simply ask their own kin if power is more interesting to them than nationalism, still I think Void Elves have strong comparisons with Forsaken for a number of reasons more than other Alliance races.
I know facts are inconvenient for your fan fics but as I’ve pointed out to you before, those NPCs aren’t even hostile to the PC before you find their plans to attack Deathknell.
The reason Sylvanas murdering Forsaken was shocking is because they were always allowed to leave before. And many did. Most left and joined the Argent Dawn but you have freelance undead poking around Dalaran and Booty Bay. Personally I’d probably go to Shattrath as nobody’s really bothering Outland and it’s alleged inevitable doom is easy going enough that you can still run a farm there.
Of course, we’ll be sure to have a handful of Lightbound Orcs that aren’t Alliance so we can point at them and say “See? Free will!” despite 99% of Lightbound Orcs being Alliance.
Other than your entire absurdist scenario you’ve invented being completely ridiculous, the whole point of the Lightbound is that they are forced into the cause. Being resurrected and being baptized into an eternal crusade are two different things.
What would Yrel gain from “Lightbinding” people just to let them walk away? What’s the point of that? If they were willing they were already alive my dude, no extra steps needed vs. having to resurrect Forsaken to see if they are willing or not. The “Lightbound” are either willing or they aren’t, and it’s been explicitly made clear many were not.
Oh, you don’t say?
If you just want to S-post and troll, GD is right there:
I don’t see why the Alliance casting a magic spell on Horde NPC’s that makes them willingly switch faction affiliations is any different from the Horde doing it since Cataclysm.
Well the Lightbound are not Alliance yet except for your absurdist scenario you invented (which maybe you are confusing them with Lightforged? Not sure) So that’s a big difference.
Secondly we have seen direct evidence of the Forsaken choice being honored, you can roll a Forsaken right now and see the choice being honored with none other than ms. Lilian Voss who seems no worse for wear.
Compared to the Lightbound where we are explicitly told (by a character with literally 0 plausible incentive to lie) and shown that they are forcing unwilling people to serve in their light army.
That’s easy to write around. Just add some quests where Yrel says that free will is super important to the Lightbound and she assures us that all of them are free to do whatever they want. Maybe have a couple of token Lightforged Horde who go and join a neutral faction or something.
We have not seen Sylvanas ever mind-control anyone. We have seen Yrel and AU Xe’ra do so.
Your heavy-handed attempt to link the two is absurd.
Sylvanas’s one attempt to control someone in BfA (Jaina’s brother) was a failure. The only power capable of controlling UD is through the Jailer’s domination magic as we now know which Sylvanas does not have access to through BfA and likely doesn’t even have now.
So there, get your fake strawman scenario out of the way, I’m so happy you think you’ve made a point.
Oh no, it isn’t mind control, they just use magic to convince someone to change their allegiance on the spot. That’s completely different.
It is completely different. Yrel and AU Xe’re literally force Draenor Orcs with no history of light worship into light worshiping zealots.
I know you think you’re being witty, but you’re not coming across that way.
Hey, it’s not Yrel’s fault that the Light is so convincing. Maybe the rest of the Orcs were rejecting their Lightbound bretheren? They joined the Lightbound willingly because they knew that the rest of the Horde would never accept them now.
I’m going to just assume you have not unlocked the Maghar Orcs or ever played through the Maghar Orc scenario or watched it being played through or otherwise familiarized yourself with anything being discussed here. You’re just a Turalyon/Alliance fanboy or perhaps just a troll.
The Horde has a long history of shamanism and warring with the Light, so naturally they would reject free-willed Lightbound due to that prejudice, just because Xe’ra did a bad thing once. The Lightbound would have no choice but to join the Alliance to protect their rightful homelands in Durotar from Horde aggression.
Yeah no, I’m done here. Turalyon is getting villain-batted, get over it.
(btw, your posting history is very interesting. Especially the threads you’ve made. I’m so sorry the story forums have turned you into this, whatever it is).
Geya’rah may not have any incentive to lie, but she left out a lot of information. None of the Mag’har in that scenario even mentioned the Iron Horde despite having members living among them including it’s former leader AU Grom. That makes me suspicious of Geya’rah and the rest; if people can jump to conclusions with Yrel and the Lightbound, I can do the same for Geya’rah and the Mag’har.
Turalyon getting villain-batted is a bad idea, if I wanted edgelord content I’d stick to old Warhammer 40k lore or read Nietzsche’s stuff.
Xe’ra failed to Lightforge Illidan (btw Lightforging isn’t mind-control), but you still hold that against Xe’ra, so Sylvanas failing to mind-control Jaina’s brother Derek isn’t a point in Sylvanas’ favor and should still be held against the Dark Lady.
Sylvanas tries to mind-control Derek into killing his family for a war: “Morally grey! Muh Queen!”
Xe’ra tries to Lightforge Illidan by force for a war: “She’s an eeeeeeevil naaru!”
“Rule for thee, but not for me” eh?