Please Don't Give Turalyon The Villain Bat

They are deliberately and systematically enforcing their own culture and faith on the other races of Draenor. And those that resist are either converted by Force and BOUND to the Light by a Naaru; or killed. They quite literally are trying to eradicate their cultures, and when it comes to a crusade that revolves round a “Unity of Vision and Message” … diversity in Language is normally looked down upon. Because even something as variance in dialogue can create variance in that unified ideology that the society is supposed to be founded upon (as well as spreading). Truly, read Sermon of the High Exarch for gods sake.

There is no proven in-game or lore examples of Lightforging being brainwashing. That’s just fan theory exacerbated by fans hopping on the anti-Light bandwagon.

Listen here, the Lightbound NEED to create more Lightbound, otherwise they’ll die out.


Its not Lightforging. They are called the LightBOUND for the reason. They are BOUND to the light, not forged by it. That messaging says a hell of a lot to their methodology, especially when we know from Illidan that Naaru are perfectly capable of doing exactly that. Xe’ra trying to BIND him to the light.

That’s exactly how those two sentences read to me. I don’t know how you can read it differently.
“A few converted willingly.” That’s fine. Their choice to do so. That’s just them proselytizing and some orcs going along with it.
“Others had the Light forced upon them.” As this is following the previous sentence about willing conversion, the implication is that one way or another, orcs are being converted, but in this case it’s not consensual. Otherwise it wouldn’t be described as forced on them.


I’ve read that Sermon of the High Exarch, and you’re grasping at straws for anything that justifies your idea that they’re trying to eradicate cultures when that’s not what we see in the lore or in-game. I suppose the difference between being Lightforged and Lightbound is whether the person is willing?

Look at religious people irl, do we all dress the same, make the same art, speak the same language? Even the Amish as a whole have variety of clothing and language. Or to use an example from a society that’s not above violently enforcing religious law; Saudi Arabia. Even there you can have multiple languages or even different head-coverings for women (and that is a religious law that gets violently enforced). I’m not endorsing Saudi Arabia’s examples, I’m just pointing it out.

*Yrel rides through Durotar as her Draenei Lightbind Orcs all around her *

“The Horde does not recognize our rights. They claim this land as their own while attempting to invalidate the claims of the founders of this kingdom. I will never allow it! Orgrimmar belongs to the Lightbound. Always and forever.”


That doesn’t prove Lightforging itself = brainwashing. And that requires us to make the assumption that Geya’rah - who is bitter, prejudiced and gives an incomplete summary of events - is a reliable source of information. I would’ve preferred to actually speak with a Lightbound NPC and get their account rather than that cherry-picked “Sermon of the High Exarch”.

I see it as more

Yrel crushes Grom’s skull beneath her hammer

“For the Iron Horde. And Samaara.”

“For the Horde!” Turalyon yells as his army of Lightbound Tauren lay siege to Thunder Bluff.

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At this point, I give up. Yeah, we don’t know a whole lot, but when the Lightbound’s own Sermon reinforces what the AU Mag’har are telling us about them … we have a problem. But, he’s so dogmatic that Yrel is doing a necessary thing here by “spreading the faith to the savage primitives, by force if necessary” … he’s not going to be deterred from that. Can’t wait to see how that ideology deals that demands unity in vision and faith will clash with a group like the NEs and their Elune Worship. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then you’ll have to explain to me how you can convert someone’s way of thinking toward a faith against their will without calling it brainwashing, because I’m honestly blanking on how that can be done.

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I don’t know. Maybe Mak’gora or whatever the AU equivalent is. Orc wins, he goes free. Draenei wins, Orc joins their cause.

You lightbind them and then tell them that they are no slave and are free to do whatever they wish, but everyone but Yrel wants to kill them and also if they don’t join the Lightbound then they’ll be killed for being “Rotsouls”


That gimmick’s not going to work on me, Ainhin. I’ve been vocal in the past about how much I hated the forsaken’s direction about resurrection ever since Cataclysm came out so you can’t trap me in a double-standard about violation of will here.

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Sigh … you laugh, but it would not be unprecidented with how Blizz writes the Alliance for them to create a double standard like that lol! Its good if and Alliance race does this horrible thing. God they’re terrible … and really, really dense to their own thematic undertones of their writing a lot of the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not trying to trap you into doing anything, I’m just having a lot of fun in this thread owing to the overwhelming amounts of irony it’s currently displaying

Turns out having your people flipped to the opposite faction with a magic spell sucks huh?


It should be noted that along with Sarm, I have also been one of the more anti-Sylvanas Horde posters on here for a long time. I’ve seen her as the Forsaken’s manipulative abuser since EoN for goodness sake. There isn’t a lot of irony when discussing the issue of the Lightbound coming from me or Sarm, as we are consistent in our contempt for Sylvanas and her methodology for similar reasons.


Fine but I still want to have fun.

I hope that Yrel Lightbound Durotan, the Alliance’s Lightbound Horde need a proper leader.

The Lightbound already killed AU Durotan. AU Grom’s fate is still up in the air, since “Fade to Black” often rarely means actual death. You could go with a forced conversion of him I suppose. It could play into his AU son willingly joining the LBs story thread and Geya’rah’s story fairly effectively. As she’s very unlikely going to be able to save her world, so “saving a mentor” might be the best she can hope for.