Please don't force me into a neighbourhood

Nah you got that hoa vibe. I want to be out in boonies.

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This isn’t real life. lol

Join a public neighborhood. You won’t have to do anything or engage with others.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that the reason why more and more people are becoming increasingly antisocial in real life and in game is that social skills have been atrophying at an ever increasing rate within our human populations. Since there is no way to completely avoid other people, I would suggest to those who are having difficulty with this matter to try and get back into the saddle and rebuild the social skills required to successfully interact with each other. You will probably find life becoming much more pleasant.

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I will have ZERO non-dragons in my neighborhood!

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you mean parking on the publicly shared road?

get over yourself, bro

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I want to decorate a house with dragon heads mounted on the wall, so that when my Dracthyr invites all of his Dracthyr friends over, they’re all just like… :eyes:

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to be honest with you, no it isn’t

children dying from preventable diseases, for instance, is really sad

pixels on a screen that don’t matter in a game that doesn’t matter isn’t

If it’s on the strip of grass between the sidewalk and the road… that ain’t public road. lol

That’s absolutely disgusting. You are a disgusting person. I swear to god, it is always scalies that have so much self-hatred…

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I get it. I was hoping for a Victorian overlooking the water in Gilneas.

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Ah that tiny strip of grass. Unfortunately, that also doesn’t belong to the house owner.

Depends on where. In my mother’s neighborhood, it’s her property that she’s responsible for maintaining and considered private… but the municipality has the rights to dig when needed for utility purposes.

Yeah, it belongs to the city. They can just take it over and do what they want with it, while making you add it to your chore list or else they fine you.

Classic modern society at its best.

This is why you must move out of the city to a more rural area, get a horde of Mangalicas, and watch them and be happy.

Try living in a low rent apartment in 2025. People making noise all the time, not cleaning up their dog’s mess, always smells like weed even though it is allegedly prohibited. Guests taking up all the parking spaces close to your building.

Oh, my friend, I truly hope you fulfill your dream one day. There is nothing more peaceful than that—the simple yet invaluable gift of stepping outside your home and listening to the symphony of crickets. The serenity of nature, undisturbed by the clamor of the world, where not a single trace of roaring engines or the crude echoes of neighbors’ music can reach you. To breathe in the crisp, untamed air, free from the burdens of the city… that is a treasure beyond measure.


So what you are saying here is that you haven’t interacted with the following systems in 20 years:

  • General/Trade chat.
  • Dungeons.
  • Quest hubs.
  • Cities.
  • Group quests.
  • Class Halls, Island Expeditions, Warfronts, Covenant Halls, or Professions (SL forward).

Because otherwise have you been playing with other players in your vicinity which, ultimately, is all that a neighbourhood is. Hell, I find it unlikely that you actually stand by what you are saying because you are interacting on a forum by your own choice. You are engaging in a social exchange even if you view it as something else entirely.

Of course, but that’s not what we are talking about. You can play the game solo but that doesn’t mean that you are able to remove yourself from other players to the extent that not being part of a neighbourhood would entail.

You can still do your own thing, make your own home, care about nothing other than yourself, and just do your own thing. That doesn’t mean that you are able or should be able to remove other players from the equation.

Playing a MMO as a solo player is a vastly different thing from what you have been talking about. So no, nothing of what you said here is even remotely relevant to you wishing to become an antisocial hermit. If you want to be an antisocial hermit, MMOs aren’t for you. It genuinely is just as simple as that.

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What if it’s a good neighborhood?


… what’s stopping anyone from just making their own Community or even Guild, not inviting anyone, and then having an empty Private Neighborhood?

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Or it could be what my guild’s neighborhood already has planned… :smiling_imp: