Please don't force me into a neighbourhood

So make a private neighborhood with one friend, and tell them to build at the opposite end of the neighborhood.

An illusion!


Some people will never comprehend that some of us love the Warcraft universe and want to play WoW, not some other single player game. We enjoy the world, the characters, the lore, but don’t necessarily want to join other people. (And some of that is due to time restraints, etc.)

Like when I go to Kroger, I enjoy seeing other people around me, but it’s not like I run up and go, ‘Hey, you wanna group up for shopping?’ Same applies to WoW.


I just don’t want my house to be in some suburb housing district, even if the other houses are empty.

Its not a big deal, but just detracts from the cool factor for some of us.


Blame the GOGOGOOGOGOGOGOGO crowd for this


God forbid you have to interact with other players in an MMO

All they need to do is give us the option to have a phase of the “housing zone” where the other plots are either empty or filled with NPC’s instead of players.


Tying housing to player power/progression would make it Garrisons 2.0.

One of the reasons this MMO was popular in the first place was the fact that it had and still continues to produce solo content.


Go play modded skyrim then. If you don’t want to live in a neighborhood and would rather live around NPCs, just think of the other players as that.

They more or less said that, though? Paraphrased but they essentially stated their initial focus is on stronger content in the housing department, not volume.

Eh. :dracthyr_shrug:

They’ve already said they intend on private neighborhoods being a thing. To what extent remains to be seen, but they seem inclined to allow guild or probably even invite-only neighborhood phases.

I don’t see an issue with public neighborhoods existing as long as the option for private ones exists.

I like a little activity in my neighborhood. Too much is a nuisance, but not enough and it feels … unnatural. Unhealthy. Kind of like people are staying in because they’re afraid to go out, you know?

So I’m in favor of a healthy balance. Quiet enough, but not too quiet.


Not really. You can’t hit enter and say “hi” while auto-running?

A neighborhood is better than living in the backwater boonies, with no internet and no one around for miles.

Better not have an emergency lol, they’ll find your rotting corpse weeks to maybe months later.

I can’t stand living in the middle of nowhere, I’d prefer a city any day.

It’s too quiet for me as well. I need noise.

WoW is no exception- it’s an MMO, I want to be with others.


I don’t care what blizz does as long as we get housing…

I wonder how private neighborhoods are gonna work. Did they offer any explanation about them? I don’t recall any details.

Maybe players with personal guilds will be able to get a private neighborhood to themselves? Or if you have some friends then you could at least pick who you’re living next to. They did put a lot of emphasis on the social aspect, but there was this tidbit:

While players can enjoy housing purely on their own, its systems are designed at a fundamental level to encourage interacting, playing, and progressing with friends, neighbors, guilds, and the wider community in a meaningful way.”

So maybe there will be options for a solo route. I wish they would explain more and start taking feedback now in a more official way.

Plant trees along the fence. Or large shrubs. It’s a win-win; you get privacy AND lovely plant life.

I think it’s safe to say that this is an evergreen system that they will continue to build on with more locations available in the future.

As for this eloquence:

I think it’s smart to start smaller and continue to build, rather than having to wait longer for something more robust to be introduced. I wish they had done it ten years ago, imagine where we would be.

Sorry if this has been said already, but for those in a guild, the neighborhood will more likely then not be your guild, not randoms.

A big plot of land in Elwynn sounds a lot better than having neighbors.


i WILL park my d.r.i.v.e. pimpmobile infront of your nature strip and constantly at all hours of the night have loud goblin music playing


Shrubs with thorns work really well. Bougenvillia, roses, etc. Or weave concertino wiring in between. >_<

Kids will grow up and get bored with the peeping adventure. Thorns will be extra protection against burglers too.