Please don't add forced lgbt representation

This is going to be interesting.

It’s hard to take this request seriously when such a character merely existing is considered pandering.

It does not matter how minor or major said character is, everyone will complain it’s pandering and being shoved in their faces because they are dumb. They cannot win so they should not try to.

The proper attitude to have is “Who cares”


I don’t think having more fictional gay characters exist in a fantasy universe does anything to draw attention to your niece or any gay rights issue.

Does Thrall and Aggra make you feel pandered to?


i dont think you need to concern yourself with the sexual preferences of digital people in a make believe world.
Its kinda disturbing that you all even think about it.
Kinda like that time in 87 or so when we played MERP for 16 straight hours…i drove the one player home and when I got back to my place the phone rang and he wanted to discuss a female characters menstrual cycle.
Sorry but some CRAP doesnt belong in a VIDEO GAME…
ez enough?

I don’t care if the game has gay relationships or not.

But lets think logically here, if straight relationships exist in this game why cant gay ones?

Why does the mere existence of it have to mean pandering? Have you considered your aversion to it makes it a bigger deal than it is?

You could just not care and move on, what’s it to you after all?


Gets old really fast doesnt it ? And the worse thing, people who represent LGBT without the slightest idea what it actually is.


Sexual CRAP doesnt belong in a GAME…END of story.

and YOU could just not comment in my direction in the first place since you CLAIM to not care either way.

quote me where I used the word “pandering”.
I can wait.

have you considered your posting here as done the same?

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Problem is not “existing”. The problem is devalue the exact people by portraying it for the sake of portraying it.

It is the same as inserting a cis couple with the sole purpose of portraying a cis couple. It is demeaning.

It becomes “Poor people, they need to see themselves in things”.

Part of the reason I can’t stomach any show on CW. Supergirl is extremely forced.


Did you see that the main guy who got all that trans bathroom started wasnt even a trans? He was a convicted pedo from what I read on multiple liberal outlets.


Funny thing that happened many years ago.
I used to take a public bus downtown to work mon- fri.
I met this guy who was really nice. Very well dressed professional who worked at a bank or something to that effect.

We hung out for months. He had no clue I was straight…I had no clue he was gay. For whatever reason he was assuming I was gay…and I was assuming he was straight.
THAT is how life should be.
We dont NEED to project BEDROOM preferences out in PUBLIC, which is precisely what some are asking for in here.


If there are heterosexual relationships in this game already and they don’t count as sexual content why would gay ones be?


again…why are you worrying yourself about it?
If you aint, then why are you rambling on ?
We dont NEED SEX crap being projected in a video game.
If you want that sort of thing Im sure a google search will find it for you pronto.

It seems people are under the impression that gay people existing in media has to be pandering so how would you add them to fiction without them being labelled as such?


I’m asking you why heterosexual relationships in this game are not sexual but gay ones would be “sex crap”.

Do you even have an answer?


Sorry, but rainbows don’t have sexuality. A cake having a rainbow does not make it LGBT. It becomes a nonsexual food item with nonsexual coloring.

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youre clearly having some comprehension issue I cant help you with
ez enough this time?


We are not under the impression. People make it so.

I read a lot of “LGBT done right” here in Thailand, in which this is a normal factor. You might replace for a cis couple and it still makes the same sense.

Western people make it so it only make sense them being LGBT. IT is terrible writing and terrible “representation”. It is pure propaganda. They dont display the true affection or the deepness of a relationship. They are portrayed as just a outdoor for “hey, they are lgbt”.

They should read some of the wonderful Japanese and Thai stories to learn it.

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Okay I got that but why in your mind do you think gay relationships can only be portrayed in the bedroom?

Would two guys holding hands also be “Sex crap”?


Can anyone hold hands in WoW ?