Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I think turalyon and alleria did. not that it matters.

dude…go troll someone else now… I’ll be ignoring you at this point.

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I don’t know if anyone is actually asking for such shallow representation though? I can promise you that the majority of people who want representation want meaningful representation.

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That is the problem. Nothing matters when it is not in the benefit of this argument.

That is exactly our problem with LGBT inserted for no reason.

I agree. /10

I really don’t see how I’m trolling I’m just asking you questions. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m starting to get the sense you really don’t have this thought out very well.


I doubt anyone is asking for token representation, but it happens (in general), and it happens with other minority groups.

ok…but its a video game. I dont even like the STRAIGHT crap .
I want to play my game without POLITICS or bedroom antics.
I have NUMEROUS LGBT in my family guy…they arent anywhere near as offended as some of you in here are, LOL

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Funny how people who thinks they are arguing with the proposition are actually making an example as to why it is proposed.

Exactly. We dont need it to be paddled.

In books and short stories there is some of it. And there it is their place.

I dont see any problem LGB but it’s obvious when it’s in your face and they have ticked a box in the ethics department wrap sheet.

You forgot the T. And I very much like one fine T in my face. But not in my games. lol

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They decided to make the original chars fat women to appease the “body acceptance” and “you go grrl” groups. It was just pathetic lol

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What LGBT stuff in WoW is anyone actually referring to? I haven’t seen any examples mentioned yet among all of this.


Romance is in a vast swath of fictional media though. I’m just failing to see why gay romance can’t be the same without being labelled as pandering.

I get not liking romance in fiction but it seems a tad bit unfair to block gay romance from fiction because you have that dislike.


I dont agree with T. I don’t disagree with the idea but how my government implemented it

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People are talking a lot about this:

In the open Q&A at Blizzcon 2011, the question “Where are the LGBT characters in WoW Lore?” came up, to which the reply from the Blizzard panel was Everything is gravy as long as its just a great character. There is the possibility of adding them, as long as the story is compelling, might see it in the future.

People have been asking to have it represented ever since.


Because nobody wants it, and the majority of us never asked for it.


Lots of people do want it and even more people who are well adjusted don’t care if it is there.

I still appreciate you being honest though.


However you are aware that there is a lesbian couple in the Court of Farondis, right ?