Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Like the fact that not only have I liked Thor (male version) since I was four, but have lived my life based around that religion for about 13 years now, then boom, female Thor. Can you imagine how crazy people would go if you made Mohamad or Jesus a female? I don’t understand how the female crowd was okay with the obvious laziness of the whole thing. “Let’s not worry about creating interesting characters, with good backstory, a rich world, and entertaining adventures. Let’s just take something like that from a different group, and call it good.” Not as if Freya wouldn’t have been able to fill that role, and not taken anything away from others.

Entertainment is lazy now. Rehashed stories in all forms of entertainment, even to the point of remaking movies word for word, and still not being as good as the original (the lion king).


I actually agree with this, mostly when reboots or adaptations change a character’s gender for no reason other than diversity or feminism—such as Jeryn Hogarth from Jessica Jones and Commander Root from Artemis Fowl being turned into women. Sometimes these changes actually devalue important points of other major characters’ stories (i.e. Commander Root being a woman takes away Holly Short’s original status as the first and only female captain in their organization). It’s really unnecessary, and if I were the original creator of one of these works, I wouldn’t sell the rights for any adaptations unless it was guaranteed that my characters wouldn’t get scrambled up in the diversity grinder.

Regarding an existing character’s orientation, it’s not an issue if it changes in a natural progression, but it’s easy to recognize when developers and companies just switch it in a ham-fisted way for diversity points. In my opinion, it’s more beneficial to either create a character arc that at least has hints to a character’s changing orientation or just create a new character altogether with the desired orientation at the start.


I don’t think those things are comparable. You’re comparing a character from a comic to established religions?

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women for the most part DO think that is lazy and silly… they tend to just shake their heads or roll their eyes and move on. it is the ones with the agenda that you see and hear from so it seems like such a large percentage


To be fair, it’s like half the Marvel universe has gotten the powers of Thor at some point. The issue wasn’t the fact Jane Foster became Thor, it’s the fact they just keep throwing his powers around to everyone. At this point, I’m pretty sure everyone is worthy lol.


It is totally the same thing. Turning a character (Thor the comic book character), into something different (a woman), to appease a different group (that never asked for it).


There’s still that ambiguity regarding Quae and Kinelory. I should do that quest again.

It isn’t about the powers, it’s about changing something like that out of laziness.

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The story wasn’t that bad and sort of made sense at least. On top of that, it was only a temporary thing and everyone knew it was temporary going into it because of her cancer.

I was raging when I saw Cap pick up the hammer. I dunno if that is cannon from the comics or a movie spin, but it made me so mad. THEN he got to actually USE the lightning. Ugh.

No, that’s cannon. Not sure why it made you mad. Out of everyone, Captain America is probably the one real person that should be considered worthy of the powers of Thor.


Exactly, just like the Ghost Buster remake, they went woke, and went broke. Everyone is afraid of being labeled a “bigot” or “sexist” if they don’t pander to some stupid, petty group. It shouldn’t be that way. They cry acceptance, but if they force it, it’s not acceptance…it’s tyranny.


A characters preference in a mate doesn’t add or take away from the character to me. It’s such a small part of them it doesn’t matter. It’s when its made to be a big part of the character that it gets on my nerves. Like it’s being shoved in the audiences face. I say this for movies as well, with the whole feminism thing. It only takes away from the main point.

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(withholds cookies from thread)


I only watched that one once. Were they the same people, or just the same character types? I just assumed they were new people styled like the old characters.

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Technically, there is a whole line of “what ifs” that did have Cpt wielding it in one story.

Why is he worthy though? It’s so random.

I mean in general it is random, just depends on who is doing the writing.

Is this, like… a title we can apply for?


It’s frustrating. Like giving Cap the ability to turn into his own Hulk, or Black Widow can become… Ant Woman.