Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Vegans also don’t get that “meat sweat stank” some folks get when they eat meat

Ah okay, sorry in hindsight that came off a lot more pointed than I meant. Asperger’s is a real chore with communication, you speak directly and it always comes off rude.

You are, but that’s also something nobody else but you or maybe your doctor need to know about. Disclosing that information is a choice you make. I guess the easier way I could have phrased it is “Being trans isn’t a choice, letting people know you are trans is.”

Yeah, the price tag is a real hurdle. I basically set aside money every paycheck for a long while leading up to actually taking the first steps and I’m doing it entirely out of pocket. It blows. Then the whole process of having to see a doctor, and the whole therapy stuff beforehand really punched the budget upward. Especially when you have a therapist that either is trying to milk you as a customer or really cares about making sure you’re making the right choice, that line can get blurred.

Presuming the best, i am glad my therapist was as thorough with me as they were, though I really think it was a two session matter, not a six month ordeal before I could basically begin.

It is a part of everyone, it’s just not what makes them who they are or it might influence some tendencies. Like I would easily say being trans is part of who I am more so after the last couple of years. Though if I was meeting someone and they asked me to tell them about myself, it would be one of the last things I’d bring up. I feel I have a lot more attributes that better explain who I am or what I’m about. Like probably the first thing out of my mouth would either be the fact I love going to the park with a big bag of bread from our local bakery to feed the ducks that inhabit that park, or my obsession with gaming.

Though I guess maybe that’s influenced by the fact I was already feminine looking as a guy, so I “pass” really well so it wouldn’t be something needing to be said if they view me as how I already want to be viewed unless there was like something sexual presumably after the discussion. Then I think it’s something they should know so there’s no surprises. Yeah, still saving for that basket of fun.

Same honestly. I think with discussion it’s important to be able to disagree with someone but at least understand their intention or their logic backing their beliefs as opposed to just regressing to “They disagree with me, they must be evil.” because that’s going to get nowhere.

For the most part I think people generally have the same goals just with wildly differing ways to accomplish it. Like earlier with the “forced representation” thing. I imagine the people against it, and the people for it all want the idea of normalization of these kinds of things, just one side feels making it a massive thing achieves results while the other feels not drawing attention to it achieves the desired result. Some want immediate change, others prefer to boil the frog. Same desired goal, wildly different approaches.

You’re good my dude. ( And if you’re MtF, I say dude for everyone. It’s neutral. Not trying to misgender you )

I’m a tiiiiiiny bit guilty of that mentality. I have borderline personality disorder. EXTREME black / white thinking. That way of thinking still flares up from time to time and I get mega defensive / aggro towards people. But oh boy was I a lot worse before therapy @_@

I mask that with beer lol. I like a few beers with my steaks or Yakiniku (its an Asian dining thing…lots of grilled meat and veggies…wife orders those lol).

I also BBQ with beer. Some tricks taught to me by a southern friend I had once. Little bit of beer for me, little bit for the meat. Little bit more for me…

Was typing before you edited it, nah trust me it doesn’t bug me. I have friends who still call me by my original name and it doesn’t faze me. I really don’t expect people who knew me as one name for 12 years to suddenly just adapt instantly. Unless it’s clearly done with malicious intent I assume everything is in a neutral thing.

Part of also the whole normalization, I feel more trans people need to quit presuming malice in everything and melting down over nonissues. Like I had a trans person in my WRA guild straight up gquit because we were talking about music and I asked if they were into trap music. They assumed there was some kind of hostility there and just flew off the handle.

In fact that interaction is probably why I refuse to let things like that faze me.

I like to see things on a purely logical level. As in I want to see the logic of somebody and ironically with politics, I’m more friendly toward people I disagree with who actually have a reasoned opinion than someone who agrees with me for a myriad of stupid reasons, or their stance you can tell is not of their own thinking.

Best way I can illustrate it, I lost a friend (their doing) over a Facebook argument when I still used that because on one of their posts we got into a longwinded argument about Affirmative Action. When I asked for their base logic on their stance the way they argued it ironically kind of came off as racial supremacy. So I said “You realize you’re basically saying the same thing a white supremacist would say, right?” They did not like their logic being laid bare and didn’t respond too kindly to the assessment.

Bit tricky if that defensive reaction is because of trauma

I’m the exact opposite lol. Just emotion all the time, I admit. Abuse broke my brain and my brain rewired itself to be like that

Certain sensitive topics can make person emotional. Its totally fine and understandable.

/pats Rosenivy

Keep improving yourself.

Yeah looking back a few years I just think “Wooooooow I was a total-” ( can’t say the word here lol ) I still have my moments but those flare ups aren’t as bad.

It’s like Hades from the disney movie

My shrink had a good laugh about me comparing myself to that lol

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When it comes to Trans, I admire Buck Angels. That dude is so confident in his own skin and body that nothing bothers him at all. He is really cool.

GOD Buck Angel is hot. Just had to get that out of my system

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I like his confidence. I listen to his podcasts, I became fan of him through that :sweat_smile:

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HRT is freaking magic I swear

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It’s just that once you are secure in yourself and confident of who you are, it won’t matter what people in world or in this thread say. That’s what I learnt from Buck

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It is, but trauma only rules your life so much as you let it. It might be a first reaction kind of thing, like if a dog has only been kicked or beaten by humans, it’s likely on the defensive the second it sees you even if you’re holding food for it.

Really hard to say because it’s a nebulous topic with a lot of internal and external factors that can’t reasonably be accounted for. In a way I kind of envy being able to think like that, meanwhile I’m still arguing with Vaush fans thinking “Surely there’s one intelligent person in this mess of people” instead of allowing myself to think “All of these people are stupid, I’m not wasting my time anymore.”

I think after my first suicide attempt where it was just emotions going rampant on the heels of a lot of really bad stuff in life happening my brain like fried its ability to process emotions unless it’s at a severe enough level as a defensive mechanism.

Eh. Not all the time. But that topic would get mega dark fast.

Yeah, fortunately the only real trauma in life I experienced was mostly just from nearly drowning at a young age. So it was something very easy to overcome. I imagine there are people with a lot more sinister skeletons in the closet that kind of just aren’t avoidable.

We dont really get to see sexual relationships in wow that often, which is a good thing. Wife there, husband there, couple have a kid here and there but relations are not really that up in the air story wise… I don’t see a big issue having one gay couple in the main story.

Doesnt feel forced.

why cant we have gay characters?

Apparently because reactionaries find the mere presence of anything related to gay people either inorganic, forced or pandering :man_shrugging:

they argue in bad faith, because they imply there is a way to have gay characters that isnt considered “forced” but deep down they just hate gays.

there are millions of gay people worldwide, a few more in wow wouldnt hurt! i mean skyrim had same s*x marriage and no one cared.

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