Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I’m going to have to ask for examples, preferably with supporting text for a changed orientation and/or role.

I’d imagine folks think they changed Shaw to be gay but I checked. His sexuality was never brought up til Flynn entered the chat.

“But Flynn never showed interest in guys! He always talked about girls!” Sometimes Bisexuals just happen to be more interested in girls or boys. It varies. Some are more into dudes but still bisexual. Some are more into girls but again. Still bisexual.

Pardon the ramble


Labels don’t exist on Azeroth though. Just people and relationships.

I want representation to feel natural and not forced.


People have been trying to get Blizzard to change characters since BC. From Anduin to Baine.

If this is about my comment, keep in mind it was made in March. I have no problem with Shaw/Flynn. We didn’t know much of anything about Shaw before now.

Oh it wasn’t aimed at anyone. I’m just going by what is most commonly brought up with this topic. My bad dude

No problem, just seeking to clarify.

I agree, don’t even need undercover advertising in forums.

I’m gay myself and hate seeing a gay couple be made and advertised like “GUYS WE HAVE A GAY COUPLE!!!” It’s more insulting that anything. A lot of things make the couple’s only traits and interests be “oh they’re gay”

Meh don’t get that vibe from Blizz. But I admit I get a bit “ugh please…” about the obvious ones from other bits of media. Like the ones used in Bury Your Gays situations. Hate that trope


I’m just talking more about movies/games/books in general where a character’s ONLY trait is “they’re gay”. I think that should just be included along with an interesting character because being gay isn’t really a personality traits. It’s just who you like to date, y’know?

I mean. Sometimes a person can actually make their sexuality so much of themselves because they were basically treated as nothing other than that by other people.

Least Blizz is comical with it. Seriously get you a man who would push a king out of the way to go hug you like Flynn did with Shaw lol.

Well I’m talking more about with fictional characters. And yeah, some people change personalities with sexualities. But I find characters who are gay and ALSO interesting are a lot more interesting to watch/read about compared to “they’re gay we’re such an inclusive company”

And yeah I don’t think it’s that bad with WoW

Oh I get you’re talking about fictional stuff. Not real people. I’m just rambling.

Least with Shaw he actually got more interesting for me. Seeing him actually sound lively in the quest he’s with Flynn made me think “oh you DO have personality” lol


Yeah a lot of the time companies use it just for marketing and stuff. I don’t think most people genrally like to be known as “that gay guy”. They wanna be known for who they really are, not just who they date.

I think having gay relationships be natural instead of being flaunted and shown off in media also helps make it become a thing that’ll eventually be mainstream and totally normal.

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Yup. Sometimes tho you kinda have to force your foot in the door before you even get a chance to be “natural”.

Will and Grace used comedy to help with that and a show I’m not sure I can say the name of here. The initials for it are QaF, basically bulldozed itself into the television scene then made itself comfy.

Ah okay. :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like we’d have a lot of fun talking about this stuff for hours haha

Oh if I could actually say more of whats on my mind I’m sure I’d never shut up. But I have to be nice on the forums -_-

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I totally get that mate haha

fugly says, “all love is good love between consenting adults! Fugly need no label to love!”

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