Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Mate if Jaina can date a dragon that also dated the human manifestation of a font of magic, gays can exist


Like i said, that is up to Blizz to decide. If the voice is strong enough who knows, this is a fantasy MMORPG. Anything is possible.

Seriously blue dragons are freaky for their species. We got another one dating a spirit healer

blue dragons are the most interesting though. the tarecgosa questline was fun. participating in a dragon election was quite intriguing.

Sadly i am not a lore dude :(. I am here cause all my other MMO’s died.

Kalecgos the current blue dragon aspect which is basically their leader. Basically ended up falling in love with a female human guise of the sunwell in burning crusade. The sunwell was basically fully corrupted by Arthas raising Kel’thuzad a human necromancer into a lich. But some dragons restored some of its power and transformed it into a human female named Aneeva teague to disguise it. Kalec ended up falling in love with this human disguised sunwell manifestation.


And then they dated Jaina for a hot minute

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Looks like all the usual suspects that screw up these threads are all accounted for. Including myself.

In fairness, as a gay guy, it bothers me to no end that the CW shoehorns in an LGBT character in every single one of their shows.

Stargirl is moving to CW productions this coming year. I have zero doubts one of them will come out as LGBT.

I prefer something like Freeform, where most shows have gay characters, but not every single one of them.

The only thing good The CW did was have some of their actors voice the english version of FF7 Remake. The rest of the time they mean nothing to me

The CW makes some good shows. The 100 is great, but it’s ending this week after… 7? Seasons.

That sounds familiar

Didn’t they basically do a Bury Your Gays scenario? Oho media just dies for me when they pull that crap

In a way. I remember people screaming about it when it happened. The main character Clarke got in a relationship with the leader of the Grounders, Lexa, but they killed Lexa off. People believe it was Bury Your Gays, but the minor-character gay couple is still alive in the final episode, and Clarke is still alive and she’s Bi.

They literally kill off everyone. We’re in the last episode this week and only 3 original cast members are left (the rest all had their characters die), and chances are at least one of those 3 will die.

Hell, I think only like 5 of the main cast for the season a]re still alive, let alone original cast members.

It’s a touchy issue. I feel like if they just waited longer before killing that character off then it wouldn’t be such a “teehee here’s representation now screw off” thing.

Ah for folks that don’t know what I’m talking about. The Bury Your Gays trope is sort of a cousin to when stories kill off women so their boyfriend can have MAN PAIN. Or like killing black characters off first in horror movies.

A show introduces a lgbt character then kills them off as fast as possible just to say they had representation and then get rid of the character so they don’t have to deal with it.

I’m not saying lgbt characters should never die. Nah. Just wait a minute at least is all I’m asking. Kinda why I like The Old Guard. It’s the opposite. IMMORTAL GAYS. I’m here for that.

Well, I think the key word here is “forced.” If something is added to the story that truly feels integral to the plot, it won’t feel forced.

Tricky to figure out what is “forced” when I stg anytime a breath of gay reaches this game the non lgbt cry “FORCED”


I know this ain’t really the place but since this thread has been necro’d…Is it just me or has there been quite a few necro’d thread’s today?

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there was, literally, a person pearl clutching that LGBT representation would make children gay.

There isn’t an option that doesn’t seem forced to be honest. For starters you have to create an entire character dedicated to the role of merely being the character in questions partner. Which is a waste of a character at least with opposite genders you can use bloodline route of children. Adopted children don’t work because the question of that child’s bloodline is to inticing. Imagine if Thralls child was adopted instead of news of Thralls family name living on wed have posts on who the og parents were such as Garrosh, Saurfang, or I’m drawing a blank on the name of the orc/drainei chick. The game doesnt go into sexuality and when it does it’s for the purpose of procreation. Thus going into it is a mistake a quagmire that other MMOs have fallen into over the years. Creating hollow soulless characters whose sole purpose is the be that couple.

This generation sucks full stop.

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