Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Oh you mean how she was so wrong with her takes she had to come up with a fictional story to try and back up her claims?


“Forced”? What is the first word of this game’s title? We occupy an entire world. If anything, the lack of LGBT representation is forced.

Can’t you just say “Please don’t add poorly written LGBT representation”?

There sure are a lot of “LGBT” posters who claim that they hate LGBT characters. How interesting.


The OP originally stated “Please don’t add LGBT representation”

Like, at all. They edited it after my post to say forced.

“Things should happen naturally” is just the non lgbt way of saying “If I just say this every single time representation happens then maybe it won’t happen ever”

Love this! Thank you!

The issue is is shoehorning representation to get those proverbial “check boxes”. Representation is good if organic. Forced representation actually takes away from the forward momentum of progression and creates friction between those for it and those who have yet to understand it. This is also why I contend that that is why it’s such a huge issue and has been politicised in the US. People like that derp DK earlier in the thread are actually hurting the cause. Inclusion toward the detriment is also a thing but I ain’t about to get into all that.

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And yet stuff like shaw / flynn being very organic ( by blizz standards lets be fair here ) people still cried “IT HAS TO HAPPEN NATURALLY”

They just parrot it out with every shred of gay in media


Errr who? It’s a 1k+ post thread. You gotta be more specific.

I think that can be attributed with the timing of things. The canon development in conjunction with the forum vocalisation coinciding. Like, “Oh NOW you’re making him LGBT because people said sooosoeiga;eghge,!!!”
Nothing you can really do about those people since it’s derived from subjective perception of company motives. Now, when Blizz starts creating new characters that are non-cis they’ll literally have no reason to QQ. If they do, welp… They might just be prejudice.

I mean. It’s gotta happen EVENTUALLY and it’s way easier to get that stuff into video games now than it was in the past.

They did with Pelagos. People still cried and had a temper tantrum

Also with Shaw, his sexuality was never brought up even in vanilla. That is a GODSEND for when representation is easier and you wanna sprinkle it in as a writer.


Oh yeah, like I don’t think it’s an issue personally. Just trying to extrapolate the reasoning behind those in opposition. All I can really say is let 'em cry and move forward, lol. Blizzard will do it because it’s better for their bottom line since the emerging demographic is more profitable. Representation especially in a video game hurts no one and has positive gains for others.

I get ya. It’s just after awhile they all start to sound like those dolls where you pull the string and they talk. They just say the saaaaaaaame things over and over

I get that the business side is all “ah yes they have money too” but part of me just likes to think the actual writers / artists somewhat give a damn


Definitely! It might take some time but with the dawning of a tolerance movement (which in itself is a somewhat abstract conceptualisation) and artistry becoming a huge forefront of culture, there will be a massive intertwining of both. I think, too, this is where we’ll see a huge normalisation of a lot of things and sort of pushing out of antiquated principle.

Not to sound crazy or whatever but I believe we’re on the cusp of novel evolution taking precedence over tradition.

Even if they don’t it still helps normalize stuff somewhat. There needs to be people speaking about lgbt folks other than just people like my grandma who claims that the gays will end the world. Otherwise, things won’t change.

True. I just say that for one reason really.

Trans men are VERY underrepresented in media. I’ve had people not even aware I was a possibility. Usually when trans stuff happens in media they focus on trans women. Because they’re more shocking or whatever.

So suddenly having Blizz make Pelagos a thing just made me happy and confused just because I was so unaware how to actually react. I’m that used to getting nothing.

Heh okay also Shaw having a few fanfic patterns in the book made me laugh and go “Oh they know what we want”.


Hmm I don’t understand why it is considered more shocking. I don’t really pay attention to stuff so I guess that’s why but yeah.

Awww, it’s nice to know that it makes you happy sadly the side effect is people complaining for no reason at all but it is what it is. At least you are happy about it which is what matters the most.

I could explain it better but I can’t do it without saying something vulgar and bitter

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Same person that apparently assigned it to you?

Just a thought here, but what if there is no such thing as LGBTQ in this Universe?

Guess that is up to Blizzard to determine but no company wants to say it does not since the backlash would be insane.

This is 2020 after all. Some one blinks the wrong way and a city is burned to the ground or cancel culture snatches you in there black choppers.

FYI, i do not care as it wouldn’t affect or effect me in anyway. Just something that popped into the ole brain bucket.