Please don't add forced lgbt representation

If you make it gentle representation for some reason these people somehow start believing that the lgbt folks in question are “just friends”. There really isn’t any winning.

You dont speak for every LGBT person. Dont you EVER lump us together. Blizzard put more LGBT content in the game


Or it could be like Shaw saying one thing to Valeera and people just ASSUME he’s vaguely talking about dating her when that is so not true.

Seriously if Shaw were interested in her, he’d say so. He’s the no nonsense type. Which is also why he flat out asks Flynn to meet up with him later at an inn.

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What we need is an equal amount of LGBT and non-LGBT. Now I know that is asking for a lot, and complete equivalency is almost impossible, but we just need to even it out and except that some people like seeing LGBT more than others.

I am bisexual, and I feel that you are suggesting we take away all LGBT, for some reason. I for one like seeing more representation. Don’t assume you speak for everyone.

Hehe. You reminded me of the "Flynn is the disaster bi rep we NEED in WoW’ posts on tumblr.

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Not sure if this was a compliment, comment, or hidden insult but I shall take it as a strange compliment.

Oh no no no compliment. Shoot. I totally didn’t mean to sound insulting I am so sorry

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Lol all good. What you said was fine, I just didn’t know whether your opinion on those tumblr posts was negative or positive.

Positive. I enjoy a bit of jokes done by fellow lgbt. Those jokes are more funny when they’re actually said in the spirit of being amusing instead of hateful ya know?

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I would hope nobody would joke that way out of hate.

bruh this thread is back again? I still doubt the OP is a really an LGBT person but I could be wrong. I just find it kinda sus when you claim your something as your opening statement because you know that’s how dumb your take is.

I mean being suspicious of other people is kind of our default as lgbt so I don’t blame you

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As a bisexual, I think the OP has a point. I used to look up for LGBT representatives in the media until I realized that they have no effect on the story of the movies/shows/games and are just to pander to a specific crowd. I do, however, think that there should be a representative of a gay person but not for the sake of having gay people. More like showing the struggles and pain that a gay person goes through in life (melancholy, discrimination) and that it chronicles the gay person’s journey to overcome his/her troubles and become a better person. Kinda like Loras Tyrell from GoT (except that he got immolated to death but I digress). I want representation for telling a story about struggle and the human condition, not tokenism.

Eh not every lgbt actually has a terrible life and it’s surprisingly refreshing to go the more “Nah I’m fine. Just gay” route


Always been curious on why some of these people are so adamant of trying to keep gay people out. What, do you think being around gay things will make you gay? Do you think the “gay bomb” is real? I can assure as a straight male who has been around friends who identify as lgbt+ for ages. This ain’t how it works. You’re safe.

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Two words. Parental Upbringing


And depending on the situation a little dose of religion and fear to further drive it in.

Eeyup. It takes only a few minutes to tell a lie. And much much longer to undo the damage that lie causes

I think the point went over your head.

Honestly, my views align more with JK Rowling’s so I’ll just say that so I don’t get reported by the cultists.