Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I am all for representation, but only when it is done fairly. And by that I mean LGBTQ+ characters should also be represented as evil characters just like everyone else. Time and time again I am seeing the trend of villains always being men, particularly straight white males. It’s so boring! If LGBTQ+ want to be represented, they should also be okay with being portrayed as evil as well.

Also, I agree that nothing should be forced. It is lazy and bad writing to have a character just come out as LGBTQ+ with no hint of it or anything. It is unrealistic. The writers should be capable of making it go in a direction that makes sense, I have seen plenty of characters portrayed properly in that way from multiple TV shows. I am all for representation and I am excited to see it done well, but I continue to dread when it is done poorly. For example, there is this odd trend of portraying homosexual men with a “feminine” accent or whatever, and not all gay men talk like that!

P.S. It is hilarious that some folks want this thread to get deleted by the mods. Just because you do not agree with someone, does not mean their post should be deleted.


Oh wow, a woman as a villain! Holy moly. Bravo to Blizzard, but let’s see if she was actually the villain the whole time, shall we? Remember, we do not know yet for sure.

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Then we also have Xalatath, Azshara, Onyxia, Vanessa vancleef. I could probably find a lot more if I really tried.

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Too late, everyone is gay now. Tyrande kicked Malfurion to the curb and married Jaina, it’s the main quest of 9.1 where we help her kick Malfurion out.


As a member of the gaming community screw everyone. Just make the games fun and awesome.

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Oh no! It was the chemicals in the water wasn’t it!

She burned a tree with innocents in it cause she threw a tantrum…

Honestly, good for her.

This is true. It’s a lot of pearl clutching. Me personally, I’m not having a conversation because it’s not really a conversation. The people who are doing the pearl clutching aren’t going to be swayed because of something I’ve said. They aren’t really even listening, because listening means things might change. My view on this is that it’s kind of like end game raiding in WoW. I don’t give a cr@p anymore.

Add more diversity. Add more representation. “Force”(1) it if you have to, because that’s the only way it’s getting in there. When companies do, make sure they know this is why you’re spending money. When they don’t, or if they back off? Drop them and take your money with you. Make sure the company knows about it.

(1) It’s not forced, they just aren’t very good at it. But they can get better if they keep doing it.

No one needs to be tzar of gays to say it. A voiced opinion, no different than the ones clamoring for forced lgbtq.

We dont need forced lgtbq characters anymore than we need forced left handed dragons. Its a fantasy world, it doesn’t need gays at all.

Except it’s not a big deal to be gay anymore. Not at least the last 7 years. Having gay represents were revolutionary back a decade ago. Since 2014, it has become so much the norm that it is redundant.

As long as its not labored…‘forced’ as you say…I couldnt care less either way.
Some writers (books and movies) are literally going back these days making some characters LGBT when that was never part of the character in the storylines and shouldnt be added retroactively. It just feels crammed in to please and that should irritate LGBT folks more than those who arent for it to feel forced.

I dont want forced sexuality either way. LGBT, straight or other.
If the character is created that way and it makes sense, have at it.

What is forced representation? a character that is gay just to be gay? Like they walk in and say I’m lgbt and leave? Making a character gay is never “forced”. The character is gay because some people are just gay. That’s it. Big Garroshes can be gay and small Anduins can be gay. Jaina can be gay, Ashvane can be gay. They can have a girlfriend in the past and have a boyfriend in the future (Bisexuals exist.). LGBT is in everything because evervy humanoid that does anything can be LGBT at any time in life and in games. Is Thrall being an Orc forced representation of Orcs in your humancraft?

Why is Thrall straight anyway. Repeatedly I’m reminded he has a wife and a kid. I’m tired of constantly being reminded that characters have emotions and feelings and tired of forced representation of Straight relationships.

  • thats how dumb this sounds.

This is generally how I find myself feeling.

Ah yes, excuse us for impeding on your fantasy of gay people not existing. My friend, we’re talking about a world with demons and dragons and yet gay people still scare you. Yikes.


And the problem behind that is that every time there is a minority represented, people tend to say “oh that’s just to tick a box”

I’d rather it be normalized by ticking a box than ignoring them completely.

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Or it could be mega gentle representation wise and people would still cry it’s being shoved in their face.


Or they could be very obvious like Shaw fantasizing about Flynn in the recent book and they think he just wants to be friends.



We have a catalog going back centuries that you can look to, for that.

Frickin Braveheart won Best Picture just 25 years ago.

Fun lgbt history for ya folks
Back in the black / white film era, gay guys were only depicted if they were villains. This is also why a LOT of villains from our childhood were MEGA gay coded.

I do agree tho I do think LGBT should get to be villains just like everyone else.

a) it would be sexy

b) the “queer characters should never be allowed to die in any media” discoursers and the “bad people should never be redeemed” discoursers could mutually annihilate each other and let the rest of us enjoy nuanced narratives in peace