Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I already told you.

But I’ll answer you. My thought process is dictated by how others treat me. Much like everyone else does, it’s natural. Unfortunately I have been the target of tar and feathering so much here I have little empathy and have accepted everyone is an enemy and I am an enemy. So I don’t try to play nice nor sugarcoat what I think.

I’m very obtuse, blunt, and direct. Unfortunately that gets me flak but at least that way, I know who’s telling me the truth and who isn’t.

I’m willing to throw myself into backlash hellfire to find out who is worth listening to and who is meant to be ignored.

I think people in general dehumanize others on the internet to a certain degree because Of the anonymity that the internet provides. That’s why people do and say things that they wouldn’t do or say in a face-to-face situation.
It may be good or bad depending on how you see it

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It’s cyberspace, anybody can say whatever they want since they won’t get a fist to the skull like in real life.

But that banhammer is ever looming, ready to smash a fool who goes too far.

I would tend to agree. Forced diversity and poorly presented representation is better than none at all, which right now seems to be the other option.

That doesn’t mean the hamfisted representation that video games provide can’t be criticized and compared to better examples.

And since it seems to matter to the conversation, I’m not anywhere on the LGBT spectrum. I just think, based on the people I know, that the representation I see in video games, movies, tv, etc. is pretty cr@p and it should be done better. Right now, ‘more’ is better.


Sure, but its still a choice. Better to be decent and give the other person general respect. Adjusting of course from there.

I had follow up questions was all. Thank you all the same.

Not how I’d play it, but all of us have our different ways to go about it.

fox lady gets mad that when they act spiteful people start treating her like crap. She’s done everything to herself though.

Instead of their hair turning blonde while going SSJ, there hair turns blue while going SJW.

It’s people like you that I’m not afraid to show that spite and hatred. You’re already full of it.

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Not at all. OP threw their own opinion out when they tried to dictate how much representation should be happening. Both you and Derka are right…OP is only one person in this vast grouping, but that is precisely why they have no ground on which to dictate who gets represented and to what degree.

I appreciate your understanding. I apologize for my blunt behavior but it’s 2nd nature to me here.

Thanks for hearing me out, even if you disagree.


Not at all. I often come off as hostile I’ve found so I wasn’t immensely surprised you responded as you did. I apologize for my own mannerisms being vaguely hostile. :stuck_out_tongue:


No I don’t think you should question if they are part of the LGBT community just because they don’t like the “saturation of forced diversity into all forms of media” as some people say. My mate she is gay and feels the same way as OP, doesn’t like it because it seems to have a more negative effect then a positive one. So just because the OP is against it you can question their sexuality? Interesting…

Me? Other than the above I have seen some really good LGBT Characters without it feeling forced. But I do agree changing a character all of a sudden isn’t a good strategy, just make new characters and make those characters interesting. Don’t make that they are gay/trans/bi the only thing about them it is frustrating when they do that because they are meant to represent people and people are complex your sexuality shouldn’t be the only thing that defines you. It doesn’t define every other character in the game so why should it be that way for a LGBT character?

The answer is simple, add UN-forced LGBT representation. It’s all in the ability of the writer (or lack thereof).

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The problem isn’t that people are criticizing how the representation is handled, they are criticizing it being there in the first place. This conversation happens every single time some property gets LGBT characters without fail. I’m just tired of having the same old argument over and over again because people can’t move past characters being gay.


Still think they should reveal a main faction leader as being lbgt, anduins the only one not pairede besides biane

Yeah it does. As a fellow queer, there isn’t enough representation in the game. In the world, honestly. You’re tired of it? Seriously? I highly doubt you’re even part of the community - for anyone who’s a part of our community goes bloody nuts over any inclusion at all. There’s so little and the world could always deserve a little more gay, and I’d like to see itt everywhere.

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Actually most homophobes call such a presentation as “Forcing it in my face.” I’ve seen this a lot in the Trekkie crowd of late. For them the very revelation of non-cis couple is taking them where they don’t want to go.

Wonder how’d they would take the latest episodes of “Lovecraft Country”.

No worries, it’s the forums. Text isn’t very good at projecting the proper tone anyway. :smiley:

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It’s a catch-22 if you “make it subtle” then it’s “they just seem like friends to me” and then the devs have to come out and say it. If you make it obvious it’s “shoving it down my throat”

To a homophobe, ANY representation is forced. Thing is they want to be able to go to their fantasyland and pretend it’s a place where what they don’t want to deal with doesn’t exist. And finding it there removes their comfort zone.