Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Alright, who’s the troll that necro’ed this?


Hmm, color me impressed. You even went above and beyond with this source. It’s not only a pretty long source, with in depth explanations. But after doing a fact check, it is indeed a pro science source as well and has little record of bias. It is pretty educational, and for the bits I’ve read so far of it. I admit, I may be wrong, but we’ll see how my opinion ends up after a read, my current opinion is that I may have been completely wrong on the topic we were speaking of before. I do appreciate you for being civil and bringing up a source.

I dunno, but I’m surprised you aren’t happy about it. It’s been a bit boring around these parts.

Would you feel the same if we said for straight people?

Why did you bring this back after 5 months?

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Because if he had created a new thread, people would be criticizing him for creating yet another topic about lgbt?

I tire of dealing with uphill battles and these, are literally one sided uphill battles.

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People have been throwing shade at you :stuck_out_tongue: rightfully so probs.

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As if I care about what anonymous nobodies think of me here. You waste your breath.

Least I speak my mind without fear of retribution. I’ve been put through hell here so many times yet folks can’t seem to figure out they haven’t been able to run me out.

Said the nobody.


I never said I wasn’t one.

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Agreed, we are all nobodies here who own multiple alts, while we are at it

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In a world where I can transform into more or less anything I want, being “buff” is pretty irrelevant.

It’s just a dehumanizing viewpoint.

No one is anyone so they don’t matter.

It reeks of a lack of standard respect for those around you.

A plethora of them.

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Nobody respected me so I won’t respect them.

Well, at least the ones too busy trying to flame me while hiding behind ignores.

Dehumanizing? Whatever you say. Least I’m tossing us all into that statement.

Explain to me the negative outcomes of “forced” diversity, please.

Also, maybe I don’t like being browbeat with straight characters all the time, and there only being straight characters in WoW up until recently. That actually feels forced, and not for a good reason. Gay people exist, and now we have what, like 3 canon gay characters? Like come on

As someone who doesn’t care one way or the other, if it’s done in a respectful manner to all, why would anyone object? I mean really, who doesn’t know at least one member of LBGT community in 2020?


Not a single one? Now or ever?

Or does this just apply to those who came before?

If they’re ignored… must be using alts?

Yes treating everyone as a nobody or nothing from the get go is a dehumanizing concept. It lets you see them as less than people with a different opinion.

Its not that strange a lot of people do it. Even on the other side. The “other” is a common thing.

Not really the point.

Why are you trying to pick a fight with me?

Is it so you can join the cool kids club on who can get me riled up? Please knock it off.

No just trying to understand where you’re coming from. I suppose also explaining what I meant in the process.

Not everything is a fight.