Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Lol, do you realize that if your claim were to be true, there would be no gay people out there because we live in a society where being straight is the norm and kids would be straight for their upbringing? However, gay people are still there, which proves that your reasoning is just not true.


It’s possible it might encourage people who are oriented in such a way to not feel ostracized by their families and communities, and explore or accept themselves.

I live on the west coast, which is a pretty progressive and diverse region. This isn’t always the case for the country as a whole, and perhaps being exposed to positive depictions in media may act as a counterweight to the little (or negative) exposure they find in their community regions. Perhaps these depictions may even allow them to find greater understanding and respect for themselves.

For those of you who are saying, “we get it, LGBT are a thing and exist, can we stop?”, these inclusions really aren’t for you. They’re for those who are still unable to accept them in their communities and for those who need reinforcement to accept who they are.

I’ve never attacked you. I’ve attacked the dumb things you’ve said.

those are entirely different things and the fact that you refuse to engage in any argument just proves that you know you have nothing to back up your claims. Your demands for “sources” are diversionary tactics and nothing more. You have no argument. You’re uneducated and ignorant, and worse, you’re a hateful bigot.

That necro though.

This dude is baiting harder than a asteroid hitting earth and your falling for it hook line and sinker.

Uhuh, except you started attacking me the second I posted. But go off I guess.

Sometimes, these arguments are important. Not because I care what the bigot thinks. But because if you just ignore the ignorant things they say, people will see it and it will make them think this line of thinking is reasonable, or supported.

What about the forced straight representation?

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Are you my lost brother, iramorti? Nice to meet you, i’m irasancti

I can’t confirm or deny any possible goblin relations. I don’t know what my parents got on to.

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I’m sure they feel inclined to support you when you attack anyone who disagrees with you. I even asked for your “educational sources” :woman_shrugging:

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No. People are born their sexuality. Societal factors may influence one’s acceptance, awareness, or understanding of one’s sexuality, but they do not determine it. Were that to be true:
-conversion therapy would work (it doesn’t)
-we wouldn’t see the sheer volume of people coming out after years of being heavily homophobic/supporting conversion therapy
-there would be no gay people who have grown up in societies that punish being gay by death
You are, in fact, uneducated on this topic.
I have taken the liberty of finding a peer-reviewed source for you and, if you’re a troll, anyone who might actually share your views.
This is easy to disprove with simple deduction, regardless.


You can repeat yourself as many times as you want. it doesn’t change facts that anyone with two eyes can see.

Calling you out on being a bigot isn’t attacking you. it’s calling out bigoted behavior.

don’t want to be called a bigot? educate yourself and stop being bigotted.


Gee wiz imagine that, another LGBT representation thread that someone goes digging for just to create another thread to discuss LGBT topics. Why can’t these be consolidated into one thread. :roll_eyes:

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Ah, a reasonable person worthy of listening to. Now you’re on the right track to changing people’s minds.

pretty sure that would just make an uglier elf. or a pretty dwarf.

Thanks. I agree. I’ve had gay friends my entire life. But I’ve also had 50 other kinds of friends. I have no interest in the sex life of my co-workers, much less strangers.

This game isn’t about sex. There isn’t even a way to have sex with other players in this game. So adding “sexual preference” to this game would be totally creepy.

This game is not about “2020 American causes”. Whatever your 2020 American cause, go for it. Just don’t do it here.

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I’m confused, who talked about sex here?

I know this is an old post that has been necro’d, but as a member of the LGBT community, I figured I’d give my feedback.

Personally, my goal for LGBT content isn’t for it to be included or not included. My goal as a member of the community is for people stop losing their minds about it. My goal is for it to become so normal that people don’t care one way or the other. I wish gaming publications would stop writing articles that announced their is LGBT content in a game. I wish people would stop creating posts or comments demanding there should be more LGBT content. And I wish people would stop creating posts or making comments asking for there to be less LGBT content.

As a member of the community, I simply want to be left alone and treated like everyone else.

That said, I recognize this is not a reality. People genuinely hate the LGBT community not because of posts like this, or articles or anything. They hate us just for being different and “gross” (at least as they would describe it). And that is something that only changes over time in baby steps. It’s this realization that most people think they are entitled to always keep pushing a positive LGBT agenda on other people, anywhere, anytime. But it’s also what leads to people taking a firmer stance in their original discrimination, whether it’s actual bias, or just a “stop-shoving-it-down-our-throats” knee-jerk reaction.

And it’s the latter part, which leads me to wish that people would stop virtue signaling on BOTH SIDES over the internet in useless places like the WoW forums. I’m referring to people like the OP and people creating “add more content” threads. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to see people in support of the community I’m in (I truly am, and I thank you), but I would be much much happier to see people go volunteer or donate to the Trevor Project, or the Mathew Sheppard Foundation, or the countless other organizations. Because I promise you, there are real injustices impacting the LGBT community. I can go through a huge list of terrible things that either I have experienced personally or close friends of mine. But I promise, not one of those things have to do with how much representation of LGBT content there is in a video game.

Also, I’m not trying to tell people what they should feel is important, I’m really not. But I am asking people who create posts like these, or news articles or anything related to “representation in a video game” if the posts is genuinely going to help LGBT community OR the larger audience. If not, maybe consider keeping it to yourself, because on these micro levels, the chances of dividing people are just as good as bringing them together and again, if you’re goal is to really support the LGBT community, there are much much better ways to do so. But you’re call. This is just how I feel about it.


Right, so this is a garbage take. “forced” LGBT representation has nothing to do with whether or not a character identifies as LGBT. It only comes into play when either a) that’s their only trait or b) it’s their entire driving focus, and even those can be fine if handled properly. Having a character be gay is 1000% a-ok. I don’t care if a character can be described as tall, brunette, gay and adventurous or short, trans, blonde and timid. It doesn’t define who they are.
The only time it becomes a focus is if they shove it in your face at inappropriate times or if YOU the consumer has an issue with it. Guess which one this is.