Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Yes. You think exposure to gay people will turn children gay. Which IS uneducated. and ignorant. You know nothing about human sexuality. Nothing. You. do not. choose. your. sexuality. period.


Then you should have some sources for that.

Well, I must disagree with you there. There’s a lot of compelling storytelling and a lot of things don’t go the way you want them to, and they shouldn’t. Not in a story that is expected to have any kind of depth. It’s hard to have an engaging story when you know your protagonists can never fail. Suicide is not often depicted in this game (if at all) that I can remember (barring self-sacrifice for war), but if suicide awareness was a focused issue the writers wanted to address, then I would think they would treat it with the delicacy that the topic deserves.

However, this was a tangent that we started regarding other taboo subjects. Going back around to the intent of the thread, and that is LGBT representation, I fail to see any negative effects on “young minds” by simply existing in the media. While completing suicide is a taboo subject and an absolutely negative outcome, this is not the case for perception of LGBTs. There is not an absolute negative outcome for someone who is LGBT simply existing.

They exist in the real world whether you want youths to observe them or not, and the attempt to censor this group from their entertainment media doesn’t do anything positive to how they might encounter such demographics in the real world.


Tell you what. You provide ANY SOURCES AT ALL. from credible medical journals that even SUGGEST a link to exposure to LGBT content and an increase in homosexuality, and I’ll do that.

otherwise, educate yourself.

What are the chances at any given moment someone claiming to be X is really being honest? This is the internet where the truth is nothing more than what story you tell.

as an atlantian mermaid princess I find that hard to believe.

Genetics influence one’s sexuality. There is just not one singular ‘gay gene’; a variety of innate factors influence it.

You made the claim that I’m uneducated on the topic shrug usually I don’t ask for sources but since your so adamant about it I’m sure if your calling others uneducated you should have a source. If not, I’ll take that as you conceding.

That is one of the things that may influence it correct, there are plenty of outside factors as well.

No. I made the observation that you’re saying really dumb things that nobody with any education on the topic would say.

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I thank you for conceding on this topic, then.

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Well, I would argue that straight stuff is also added everywhere, and I see no one complaining about it :man_shrugging:t2:

still waiting for those sources to back up your claim that LGBT content influces people to be gay, hypocrite.

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Once you decide to not concede your argument and give me some sources sure thing I’ll get right on that.

that’s not how burden of proof works, hypocrite.

You made a claim that LGBT content influences people to be gay. YOU need to provide proof and back up THAT argument first before demanding sources from others.

Judgement Day is inevitable.

You claimed that I’m uneducated on the topic. You should back that up with some compelling sources. Otherwise your argument isn’t worth it.

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my source is all the dumb posts you’ve made in this thread.

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I believe the running theory is he is actually a space lizard.

Such as?

I did specify I mainly meant romance. Though if someone could pull of going further well that could be interesting to.

To be clear I don’t think romance, partnership, or love in stories are bad. Definitely not.

I just think that it could be an interesting concept for it not to exist. I wouldn’t want every universe to be like that or anything. As you say “people are driven by companionship” and almost everyone’s lives revolve around it to some degree. That’s why (imo) it’d be interesting to try and have a world/setting where that concept had no weight at all.

As I mentioned before it’d be very hard to do well. Since it’s such a big part of people’s lives it wouldn’t take much for such a setting to be too unrelatable to be interesting. It’d be very easy to mess up and it’s not like there’s a “demand” for such a fictional universe so I’d be very surprised if something like that even got attempted.

My interest/curiosity for this hypothetical universe isn’t because I think relationships, love, or emotional bonds are boring or overdone or anything like that (I love a good love story). My interest would be seeing how the storyteller would tackle such a foreign and difficult concept. What sort of story would they tell? What tools would the use if such a major part of real life didn’t exist in this fantasy world?

I’d be interested in seeing what sort of driving and compelling forces they would use and how they’d imagine what a world like that would be like and how they might reimagine society in light of such a major difference.

(P.S. Also happy to meet a kindred Supernatural fan! One of my favorite shows. I’m so excited but also so sad about the upcoming final season)

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Well now that you’ve resorted to attacking me, this only further proves my point that you have conceded your argument.

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