Please don't add forced lgbt representation

So, lets add “bigoted” to the list of words you clearly don’t understand. Anything else you’d like to add?

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Again, not how it works. Someone is born homosexual or not. Its not something you can influence. The only thing representation does it make them not afraid to stay in the closet until they are a middle aged adult. Which I assume someone like you would prefer.


You’re right, that was Sineas. Touche.

I disagree about normalization on the existence of depression and especially suicide. Suicide awareness is something that needs to be in the open, and discussion about the subject and making it less taboo can increase the chance people who have suicidal ideation get the help they need.

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  1. a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Your intolerant towards my opinions shrug

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BeWaRe THe GaYs AnD ThEiR GAy BoMbs!

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I always thought a lore universe where sexuality and love (mainly in the romantic sense) didn’t even exist as concepts would be super interesting. Like beings in this universe could still have a full range of emotions and get along with people to varying degrees but no one would fall in love and no one would lust after others simply because that’s not something that happens.

So much of our live as well as our entertainment is driven by romance to some degree. It’d be very hard to do well IMO, but I think a fictional world without those things could be such an interesting setting.

no politics in gaming k thnxs.

really i dont want forced politics in games i play too many of them are trying to go after the dying leftists and sjws. most of us are proudly on the right and i don’t want to see that i want to just play a game

Hmm, I agree with that there should be awareness so others can get help. I just feel that it wouldn’t fit well in a game and might send the opposite message it’s trying to send personally. But that’s me.

I think that would be pretty uninteresting - people are driven by companionship, be it romantic or platonic.

The reason romance is such a big part of entertainment is that for the vast majority of people, it’s an interesting subject. But in the absence of romance, platonic relationships can be just as compelling (Supernatural comes to mind, I love that show). It sounds like in your fantasy universe even intense platonic relationships aren’t a thing. And that would be boring.

I didn’t know about Loras Tyrell from reading the books, I was surprised when I saw him in the series but phrases like rainbow knight made a lot more sense in retrospect.

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first of all; incorrect. Merriam-Webster defines it as

big·​ot | \ ˈbi-gət \

a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudice sespecially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

secondly. that’s not what an opinion is. So, lets add “opinion” to that evergrowing list.

You being willfully ignorant and uneducated on the topic of human sexuality doesn’t mean in your incorrect beliefs about how sexuality works is an opinion. it means you’re wrong. you’re uneducated. and you’re willfully ignorant. An opinion is “that shirt looks bad on you”. an opinion is not “I believe that humans are made up of blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile”.


Perhaps if they showed characters who struggle with a problem, like depression, it can allow people to identify with these characters and not feel they must hide it.

And that function alone can help mitigate suicide.


Well i’m not gay but here’s my take on the situation:

You guys need to stop arguing on online forums about virtual characters. That goes for anyone.

In case your trying to say all lgbt folks are left leaning, that isn’t true. It’s a lot more than just politics nowadays.

If we’re talking hatred, you’ve shown me more hatred than I’ve shown you. I haven’t gone out of my way to insult you or anything of the matter. You however…

Hmm, if we were talking about simply that then I would agree. As long as there is no literal suicide and the person struggles and conquers there issues I think it would be a great thing.

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calling out ignorant and uneducated behavior isn’t hatred. If you can’t handle being called out on being uneducated on a topic, don’t speak on topics you know nothing about.


K no war then


k, then let’s talk about zuckerberg being a robot


Clearly this isn’t true, otherwise you would actually get some credible sources out for an actual discussion instead of trying to attack me instead.

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Notice how the uneducated always demand for sources when they provide none themselves.


Tell me, can you even explain to me what my argument was? Plus you came in calling me uneducated on the topic. You should have some sources to educate me on the topic then. I’m being as civil as I can with you.

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