Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I think the shaw and flynn bit seems rushed and forced for example. By the end of shadows rising it seemed more like they are friends with shaw thinking more down the road.

But blizz al but established them as a couple now. How about give it like a year ingame time not a few weeks at best.

Romance really isn’t wows focus.

Or the constant clamoring from folks to ship wrath and anduin. Despite there being no evidence for it.

I think the 2 new gay nelfs in sls is gine they don’t seem to forced.

Honestly I’d rather media not even have romance at all.

Just curious, when does something go from being a natural representation of something to a forced representation of something? Is there a cut off?

Is there lgbt characters in this game?

Touchy subject all around. If they add characters that is fine but do not change a character to fill a niche. Example. I was watching the umbrella academy. No real focus on sex or relationships the first season, there were hints but nothing happened. The second season one of the characters is all of a sudden a lesbian and now we get to see them have heated romance even though it wasn’t done in the first season. That is what I consider forced. If they change a character to all of a sudden be gay that is forced representation but if a new character comes out as gay that is fine. Iceman in the Xmen is another example, wasn’t gay for 50 years and now all of a sudden “WOW, ima gay.”.

This garbage again.

More representation, please and thanks. Ignore chuds.

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How are these things exclusive?

You can have both.

Unless you are implying that this makes the game unhospitable for bigots, but then again is that really such a bad thing?


To be fair birth rates are down world wide not that 7.8 billion humans on earth is too little. But that has more to do with social decay and the inbslances in the legal system.

Third wave femanism extremist and to an extent yhe more extreme mens groups.

you really are completely uneducated about how sexuality works.

normalizing non-straight sexualities won’t suddenly turn more people gay. Nobody CHOOSES their sexuality, period. You don’t wake up one day going “you know, susan. I know we’ve been married for 20 years but I’ve decided I want to be homosexual now.”


All stories need to be written well. For example if it was Thessarian and Kultiras, that would have been one to make the books and most people would have enjoyed it.

That said, this is the same regarding all writing that can be bad. For example, Star Trek Discovery, we have this manipulation in how they wanted you to care about that android girl when she died. Obviously nobody did, but they wanted you to.

The same can be said here, if they want us to care about the characters they should write them well or give us a reason to care.

I have a vested interest in caring about Thessarian and Kultiras, less so about the other characters who aren’t really mentioned in-game relative to their relationships.

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Not so sure about that, there is a lot of indoctrination nowadays that may sway people into that. Especially from an early age.

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jesus christ you literally know absolutely nothing about this subject. Just quit. Next time you have a thought, just do us all a favor and let it go.

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You can say that all you like, but either way you aren’t providing any cohesive argument for me to believe otherwise.

Not talking about presentation or anything, but what do you mean “issues”?

This was my though as well… like, where are all these gratuitous representations of the LGBT community at? I’m not exactly being bombarded with it “in my face” as some seem to think is happening… this just comes across as manufactured outrage at what is little more than a nothingburger. There’s almost no representation whatsoever. Let me know when there’s an entire zone full of nothing but rainbows, feather boas, and nothing but LGBT NPC’s you have to interact with lol and THEN I’d agree that they’ve gone overboard. But of course, that’s never going to happen, and nothing even remotely close to it has happened in this game.

Even if you believe that these groups are afflicted with mental health issues…how does that make your point?

Let’s say there’s representation of people with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder…or whatever…do these groups not exist in reality? Does storytelling become less interesting because these real-life maladies exist in your game?

All of these bits and pieces of these characters adds depth and development.

You can choose to believe that all you like but that’s not how it works. You either born gay, straight or some spectrum of bi. Seeing a gay character in a video game is not magically going to make you want another man’s junk as a guy.

Demanding representation is just a way to get approval from the masses for the shame you feel.

I will. Because you’ve proven it. You’ve proven you’re not just completely ignorant. but hateful and bigoted.

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Never said that and never will.

No, but the normalization of depression is even worse. Especially if we’re talking about suicide.

The normalization of it won’t affect me. It affects younger people with brains that are still developing especially teens. And WoW is a teen rated game.

Actually, your the textbook definition of bigoted from how you’ve acted towards me. But go off.