Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Representation is good, this is just straight up homophobia.

Agreed there should be no forced straight or lgbt representation. Children play this game whether you like it or not, and I personally believe they should be exposed to the different types of relationships as little as possible until they’re older.

Just wait until all the NPC’s in Shadowlands are as buff as the new main character in The Last of Us 2.

ESO and GW2 have some pretty nice LGBT reps.

Frostera isn’t subtle enough and picks obvious targets. Tuiie convinced GD that they were serious about removing the ability to jump because it broke their immersion. That’s trolling!

Agreed. Forcing a narrative just because doesn’t help anything. I don’t mind if characters happen to be gay or whatever. Live your life as you please.

As long as it doesn’t feel forced/preachy thats fine.

I like how Blizzard can both support social issues like trans rights with a tweet, but also condemn free speech regarding Hong Kong. People need to realise companies dont give a toss about anything but money. If they are supporting something, its cause they think it will get them money.


Yea, this is all that matters to blizzard. As that is the goal of a business.

Frost is still fun to watch though, obvious trolls can be fun.

Forced representation is isn’t good though. You can write dtories snd such in a way thst it doesn’t come off as forced and that doesn’t browbeat the viewer.

Media isn’t magically better just because it meets check boxes.

I think your over reacting.

Buff characters can be fun as long as it makes sense. A warrior or paladin being buff makes sense. A frail warlock without demonic enhancements on their body does not make sense to be buff.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: would you like to explain where the forced representation is in WoW?

Or not… You know what, I’ll stop there.

No, a female character as buff as The Last of Us 2 character without steroids does not make sense.

as a member of the LGBT community; this person doesn’t represent anyone but themselves and shouldn’t try speaking for others.

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I don’t really disagree. They kind of lost of few points when Cthuwu stepped on them so badly in another thread. But! Tuiie wouldn’t bother trolling a thread like this whereas Frostera might. That’s worth something.

I’m mostly joking about all of this. Hope you have a good day!


Nice callback

Time for another 1k replies of the same garbage we’ve already gotten in the past five threads of this same thing.

Judging by how much people seem to care about what orientation their fictional characters are in the games they play, the importance of representation as a means to normalize perception is still needed.

Don’t expect an answer, most these peeps like to claim “But muh forced representation” with zero examples of that.

Ooof. I as a fellow fa… gay I approve this message. I always cringe at every attempt of straights developers to insert “representation” of me/us everywhere just for clout. I like to see some small little here and there quests/texts/flavor stuff were I glimpsly acknowledge that quest giver is gay/lesbian (like in Asuna with Spirit Elve who were searching for her lover and she appears to be female as well).
But all these: “WELL GOTA HIT SOME BENISES GUIZE!!1” From a character who NEVER was into it in a first place from vanilla through BfA looks cringy and fishy and yucky.

/blinks dumbfoundedly