Please don't add forced lgbt representation

I genuinely thought the “New” New Warriors was satire. I then realized I was actually being linked the Marvel website and we were still in March.

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Tyrande was just so annoying, especially as I was playing a night elf as my main then.


No. They can be straight.


Yes, pandering is precisely what I take issue with. It may be hard to understand coming from a collectivist mindset who sees everything through the accusatory lens of oppression (of which you just accused me of being bigoted within two posts lmao), but whether it’s pandering to a “manly man” to get them to buy a truck, or pandering to the LGBTQ movement to get them to watch a film, I despise any sort of collectivist thought and people who view themselves as a larger group instead of an individual. I feel bad for anyone who falls for such a cheap marketing tactic and wishes they had more self respect than needing an advertisement or a video game to bolster their self esteem or make them feel normal. I don’t like when video games or movies try to promote a specific agenda.

Not everyone who’s against blatant pandering hates gays, as you are implying.


Isn’t that what was said about captain marvel movie? Yet here we are where they made over 1 billion at the box office.

Actually, this outrage thing is a new marketing effort by companies. That one shave company that did the commercial telling men to be nice that caused outrage? iirc, it actually helped their sales.


But she did love Philip, right? So what happened to that? They didn’t even bother to explain. Like… No falling out, no anything.

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No, I was kinda implying that maybe you have issue with capitalism :joy: Your comment is a bit edgy. People do fall for those cheap marketing tactics, majority of people do, including you.

Exactly. /10char


Collectivism is, in and of itself, not bad.

Even Western nations are not as hyper-individualist as they like to believe. Humans are communal by nature, and still act as a part of a greater whole.

We wouldn’t be all going stir-crazy under lockdowns if we did not have some urge to be communal.

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Captain Marvel is a movie, from a well trusted universe of interconnected stories and one that came right before Endgame, anyone who thought that was going to make less than a bill was naive. I’m talking about the comics.

Yes outrage can be used for marketing but it doesn’t work for all situations, Hong Kong didn’t help Blizz for example. As for that company, actually it didn’t help them and they had to do some course correction with their next advertisement featuring a classic all american soldier lol.

Yeah and when you think comics reached the bottom DC then doubles down and releases a highschool story with batman catwoman and joker having a love triangle…


Captain Marvel is a woman in the comics, so no. They were complaining about comments Brie Larson said. I don’t know many that thought the movie was going to crash and burn.

Because you’ll find, as enough time passes in your life, that the left are the ones who boycott and are the cancel culture. It hasn’t been up until the past few years it’s started to happen widespread in the conservative movement (besides, of course, the fringe, secular and nonsecular, who always have), and it is still a fraction of the percentage of the left.

Ted Nugent? Phil Collins? Even Caitlyn Jenner around the time of her transition—I don’t care who it is, if they’re openly conservative, they get cancelled.

There’s a reason Hollywood and companies only pander with leftist messages. The right still goes to see those movies or buys those products. The left, on the other hand, boycotts anything that supports something other than what they believe. David Hogg’s advertiser protests are one of a million examples.

PS: before I get thrown in social jail labeled as a lunatic fascist, I take issue with just as much of what the right does as the left. The way they want to limit freedoms is deplorable. But this is an honest assessment of how they both react to pandering.


Add MORE? There’s like no prominent needless representation in WoW.

You’re making it into an issue lol.

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It’s a role playing game. Rrepresent yourself. Who cares about some dumb NPC spouting off lines. I’m bisexual, so is my character, and it’s as relevant to my character’s story as it is to my own life (not very).


I don’t think so. I believe they said in some earnings call that the ad had no impact on its sales and actually helped them with all the media coverage they had.

Didn’t like her in the Avengers movie either. All for strong female characters, but one that seemingly arrogant was gross. They also pushed the “girl power!” fights a bit hard.

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HR being involved is far from capitalism. I’m honestly embarrassed just reading what you implied. All of what is forced is bureaucratic non sense. The consumers are not the ones encouraging all of this.

That is just factually false. Hold back on that personal vendetta you have against the “left.” One event that comes to mind is the whole nike thing from a while ago. Who were the primary people burning their shoes? :joy:

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Being social is not the same as being a collective. Wolves are social animals. Ants are a collective.

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