Please don't add forced lgbt representation

This is exactly what I think of every time the topic of representation comes up now. It was so… Random. Didn’t honestly make sense, it just happened and to this day I am still scratching my head as to where that little side story came from. It wasn’t bad that it happened, but it felt so forced and phony it made me sad to see that it was botched.


Remember when Japan called the WHO the Chinese Health Organization? They did so for a reason.


Corona virus is going to be around for at minimum a year.


Yeah, it was pretty nonsense. Specially since Red already had hints of a relationship with the Dr. AND they had Mulan who was already confirmed a Lesbian and heartbroken so they could’ve done something cool with that. Yet they went another route for shock value.


WHO also refuses to acknowledge the existence of Taiwan it seems and literally logged off a call on an interview when Taiwan was mentioned :laughing: surprising people still trust them.


Well that’s how it works. Disney can’t exactly put racists ideas now like they could decades ago on their shows. That’s how progress works.

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Aren’t all relationships, by their nature, “token”?

Since they’re so ubiquitous to human nature.


This is my issue with the critique some people have when it comes to gay relationships.

For a straight relationship, it’s just one of many and everyone doesn’t bat an eye. But when a gay relationship is introduced, suddenly it is expected to be the most perfect introduction in the universe, with the most perfect story ever created.

That’s the type of requirement some people seem to put anytime a gay person is involved. I used to see it and sometimes still see people say that about black people…


I’m talking to someone who directly takes issue with them “checking the boxes”. You clearly don’t.

That’s not progress, that’s pandering and patronization. But just as Thrall calls us “hero” in this game, people like to be patronized. Virtue signaling preys upon minority groups.


Was Mulan confirmed? It was so subtle I think. Also kind of weird going from Philip to Aurora (I assume) in such a short order, but much better than Red. Maybe I am missing something there with Mulan.

I don’t want to see that kind of bad story telling happen in WoW though. Not against it existing, but just for the sake of existing like that is just… I dunno. Also, why no guy/guy pairings in Once Upon a Time? /shakes head

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A lot of people seem fine to hand wave “love at first sight” with straight relationships.

It’s just “normal”, and expected for straight characters to shack-up with little reason.


Yes I agree, delete DHs


I personally don’t care what is shown. Pandering happens to just about anyone. That’s how companies get people to watch or buy their products. Is that what you have issue with or do you have issue with something else?

Because when the entire reason both the company and those asking for it make is that said relationship/representation should/must exist, then it is done badly and lazily it only drives home the point that it is indeed “forced”.


Yes, some people want things forced, some people like me don’t care. That’s just how the world works.

If a company decides to do it based on pressure from their community, then that is no different than the people here begging for ACC wide essences. They did it because we wanted them to.

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For what it’s worth, I also think some generic romance stories coughIllidanxTyranduhxMalfcough are bad too, and they keep shoving that “muh luv” at us regularly until it’s nauseating.


Oh gosh yeah, I hated playing through that one quest line with her screaming MALFURION MY LOVE was it?


Yes, so it’s not just about orientation/identity. WoW doesn’t seem to do well in the romance department in general.


Yeah she was confirmed. Shortly after the episode they gave an interview when they confirmed it as well.

I thought the scene was clear but yeah it was subtle.

And is exactly why people are against it and why it’s actually causing pushback to many products instead of selling more like companies want. This is specially important for fiction.

Take Marvel and DC for example, the more progressive they become, the less they sell (and now we have the whole pencils down controversy). Turns out forcing stuff in storytelling is not actually good for writing a story, who knew!?


There’s plenty of lgbt representation on the moon guard realm already. :stuck_out_tongue: