Please don't add forced lgbt representation

That’s a perfectly fine argument, unfortunately most in this thread haven’t said that. They are completely dismissing the fact representation exists because it’s not their personal definition of representation.

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Basically, when someone resorts to insults as part of their argument, they’ve lost their credibility. People seem to like to throw that word and the bigot word around a lot in these types of thread thinking it adds credibility to their stance when really it takes away from their argument.

I cannot stress enough to avoid personal insults when in debates. Things can actually go places if people keep it clean.

The other thing I truly hate is the people who sit there and say, “there’s not been any good arguments against this so why not do this?” when they dismiss opposing opinions as not good counter-arguments and is demeaning to the opposition. It does not improve anything and only makes things all the worse.

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Sometimes I wish I could just wave a wand :mage: and everyone would clearly understand where each other was coming from and have a civil conversation. I know I’m certainly not innocent knowing the times I’ve been a block head. I try to be mindful of it.

Side note. Why is there not a magic wand emoji? :thinking:


still making claims with zero proof and telling others who have a different outlook to be quiet? Seems you take a page out of the SJW handbook.

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it begins again


All you have to do is show zero proof. :smile:
I’m holding you to the same standards you held me to buddy.

Show me proof or admit you are wrong (like usual)… i wont be quiet for someone who doesn’t have the spine to post on a main.


Maybe I just don’t get the reference but what happened here?

Hi Eret.

Hopefully I don’t see you committing any logical fallacies anywhere on this forum.

Hope that helps.

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Eh… it isn’t a problem if it exists… only if it is forced. It is something that should be ‘oh, by the way’ for a character instead of a core defining point of a character.

That is where the mistake tends to be with integrating representation into a storyline.

-edits to add-

A good example is this ‘Gotham High’ comic that is being pushed by DC now… where Alfred is now being made into a gay uncle solely for the reason of representation. Not because it fits in thematically or narratively… but solely because it is ‘representation’ according to the writer.

aw but i want my jaina x sylvanas


Nope. I just want him to hold himself up to the same standards he held me up to. All he has to do is answer a simple question. Buggering off and acting like nothing happened is no bueno.

Look at marvel new new warriors… they have two people (one whom is non binary naturally) named snowflake and safespace.

Give me an example of LGBT rep that you approve of, oh straight god whom is the judger of what acceptable LGBT representation is.


Honestly… the best example I can think of is the Zombie Land Saga anime. There is a character named Lily Hoshikawa. It was something that wasn’t forced and was revealed naturally over the story arch of the character.

-edits to add- Also, aren’t you making assumptions without any basis?

7 of 9 in Picard.

I don’t know if that’s why the author chose to do that, but I can imagine there being far more other reasons people might not like it. I just looked it up and an accurate description I came across was this is Batman meets Gossip Girl.

As people who are in a minority camp, we all must accept that we will be exploited in the name of virtue signaling so companies can sell more things and make more money. Have you seen the average commercial lately?? It’s everywhere.