Please don't add forced lgbt representation

There’s so few front and center relationships in WoW, that’s why it would seem forced. That and in order for them to be clearly homosexual they’d have to either have some lovey seen, or awkwardly shoe-horn some dialogue. 2 people could be in a same-sex relationship in WoW, but unless they hold up a sign saying “we’re gay”, it isn’t enough for the representation people, but holding up that sign is what makes it forced. If you have to hold up the sign, the best way to do it would be to tease it over time. Anduin is a good example, he’s never been labeled gay, but if he eventually came out it would make sense since it would fit with his character. Even then, it’s best to hint at it rather than having some makeout scene.

Stop acting like either of you have added anything more.

I have heard from a secret source, that in Shadowland the corrupted blue animation of N’Zoth that appears on your character will be replace with a permanent rainbow style animation…

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

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I guess we need to lock the thread then because we have already discussed everything.

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I mean the last 100 posts have seemed like people aren’t even sure what specifically they’re talking about so I guess so.

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Eh, fine I’ll change it. But only because I thought of something amusing to me.

I added my opinion at least as well as my support. Even why I thought it should be so. Lol

Honestly if they did this for pride month I’d be kinda happy…


Hey, still waiting for you to ask me something that involves an opinion on a topic I have discussed.

But Tyrande!

Also Nathanos wouldn’t be able to pine and pretend he’s worth anything!

Someone in one of these threads said that sylvanas should friend zone nathanos.

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He’s the only one we’ve seen have actual feelings. I think Sylvanas is just making use of another, very loyal, arrow in her quiver.

It is kinda off putting that LGBT representation is so forced in today’s media. I’m all for the people themselves and their rights but when it’s overdone it feels like the opposite of what the goal was in the first place.

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Where is it forced in the media? There are countless shows that don’t have any LGBTQ characters and so many easy ways to find them. Might I suggest anything from China if you don’t want that sort of stuff.


Kirishima* and Bakugo :wink:

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What I mean is, sometimes it seems like people are virtue signaling rather than genuinely caring about the representation of the LGBTQ community.

Maybe so, but that’s no reason not to have representation or to request it.


From a certain viewpoint it can be hard to distinguish between people genuinely wanting LGBT characters in game as representation and virtue signaling. Those who genuinely want representation know the difference.


Representation is already in the game so what exactly DO you want?

I think I will have agree with some other poster’s assessments of your posting.


You mean the people that call others homophobes if they dare have a different opinion? I mean it’s fine if you don’t have an answer, most in this thread don’t.

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… Also acceptable.

I think that happens with a lot of things but I also feel it’s easy to become jaded and cynical and not believe when people are being genuine. Sometimes it’s just a matter of taste and preference and it should be left up to the viewers.

You mean the quest only enchanters were able to get back in Legion? Paladin Marcus? :rofl: I know there’s some representation in game but I also feel they can do more and better. It’s not something that will keep me away from the game, not that Blizz doesn’t already do a bang up job of that, but it would give me one more reason to want to play.

Just to be clear, the :rofl: was at Paladin Marcus because I simply love the Steamy Romance novels. It’s amusing there are gay novels like that aimed at women.