Please don't add forced lgbt representation


Yeah the point is why do you hate LGBT people? Where is the OP? They probably ran off because they can’t answer either.

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It’s called ‘virtue signalling’.

I hate LGBT people? Please quote where I said I hate LGBT people.

I don’t seek vaporous virtue. The fact that I am here right now is because there is a gathering of trad cons who managed to flag bomb the actual LGBT thread into getting locked. This thread stays miraculously unlocked.

You are playing the thin veil game which is something that… who was that guy who did this often… there were natsocs that tried to invade and got frozen… GOEBBELLS. Goebbells. That was his name.

in b4 godwin worshippers.


Asking for meaningful representation when token irrelevant NPCs that very few ever interact with exist.
Homophobes: You already have representation.

Suggesting a front and center instance of representation.
Homophobes: shrieking That’s forced!


Cool, don’t care.

Thin veil? I just wanted you to quote where I said I hated LBGT people. It should be easy based around the fact you seem so firm in your belief.

Go ahead, quote it.

Its hidden in your words. Its how you keep your movement safe from criticism.


Oh, it’s hidden. Darn these forums, always hiding words!

I know right?

You’d think folk would be fine seeing people who exist.


It works both ways, Karen. The tradcons here now have attention after locking the other thread. Say something meaninful at least.


You first, Karen.

You want me to go first because you have nothing. I put something in the thread go read it.

You’re not getting anything else until you hold up your end of the argument.


No you haven’t. I said quote where I said I hated LBGT people. I mean, quote something close if you can’t find it exact. Go ahead, try.

Which argument? Still waiting for you to quote something.

What ever they are calling themselves these days. They tend to divide themselves a lot because they are so fissive.


A certain person who shall remain nameless and has no oninions or arguements, but will comment on anything has ~85 posts starting at post 56.

Aside from arguing with others they’ve shown no real information nor contributed meaningfully.

The way they are arguing is meant to keep you talking without actually giving anything back.

Let them speak into a void. You’ll get nothing useful from them.


Call outs are against CoC. Might want to edit the post.

I guess you are right they are just a cardboard soldier. And yes you might want to remove her name from the post or she will run off to bother the manager.


Well, at least I haven’t cried about a thread being locked.

Isn’t that a band?