Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Outliers in all societies.

I agree with what you’ve said here.

Important to present it when it’s included as just a normal person who happens to be lgbtq+.

If they’re a token character. No one wants that.

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The “I’m gay, but…” must be the new “I have a Black friend, but…”


“I have personal experience” is the same as “I have this friend that knows but I don’t?”

More like it’s a disingenuous argument from someone pretending to be something they are not. Much like pretending to have a Black friend as a free pass for being racist.


Oh? Is there a profile page for the OP that I’m not aware of that includes their sexual orientation?

There’s already lgbt representation in WoW, the fact that you don’t know about them means it was done well.
IE their sexuality doesn’t define them, it’s just something about them like their hair colour.

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Is it rainbow colored?

It could mean that it’s not accessible.

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What do you mean “not accessible?”

Not everyone has enchanting. For example.

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I’m sorry do I need to show you my gay card? Like what?


I would provide one but, I’d rather not dox myself. Let people believe what they want. I know who I am and know what I stand for. That’s more than enough for me. More so than some others who are only here to start mess.

He’s on the ship, jumps off. He’s the one that shouts “I’m saaaiiiiiliinggg”

Not sure about him being in prison, can’t say I noticed. On the horde side they sorta play on words and say the crew is “diverse” which could be a human sailing with orcs, or that budd actually is. Given his flamboyant voice acting, I’m going to say he’s gay.

How is this thread still unlocked while the actual LGBT thread is currently locked due to political parties mass flagging it? Because now I am in YOUR thread.

Edit: In fact the LGBT thread is permanently locked now.

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That ain’t got nothin’ to do with me. I guess this is less controversial.

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This one has less people using flagging as a weapon*

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LGBT characters in the game is not shoving anything down anyones throat unless you’re a homophobe. Unless you have an issue with all of the heterosexual romance in the game, which you don’t seem to, this just seems like you’re asspained that gay people exist


I’d hate to hate myself for that. But, also no.

Seems to be the case since you don’t have a problem with heterosexual romance being in the game.


I can’t even think of one couple in the game aside from thralls wife who is the worst for taking thrall from the horde to become a stay at home dad and not a war chief

They should remove romance from the game unless it’s romance like slyv and Nandos so she can turn around and her him “you’ve always been such a good friend to me” then we can watch his heart break and half the wow player base goes “oooft that one was a bit close to home”

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