Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Another trans forumgoer here also very in favor of more representation! Seconding all points here.


Why, if black Americans commit more violent crimes, are more whites killed by police?

Moskos suggests two reasons. First, police assigned to largely black communities face “more political fallout when they shoot, and thus receive better training and are less inclined to shoot.” Secondly, officers assigned to black neighborhoods are more accustomed to dangerous situation and thus more likely to attempt to find a non-lethal solution.

“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” Moskos said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”


While there are outliers in all societies, the majority of folk would not question Varian Wrynn being canonically straight.

That said what folk do in fanfics is their business.

Further, if blizzard (please don’t do this blizzard this is not to give you ideas) came out tomorrow and had an in game story where he was just being “straight” for the responsibility of the crown. I.e. Having kids, I’d imagine for most of us this would feel forced and not be the sort of representation we’re asking for.

Like there are very real cases where folk would pretend they were straight for one reason or another, sure, but that’s not really what we’re asking for.


If its a fun quest to find her wife so be it but if its just “Im gay find my wife she at shop” then no don’t add it.

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I too would like to know, because I’ve seen none of it.

Iceman, I will agree with you on since he was in a lot of early comics something of a womanizer and the character was clearly shown to be more interested in women than men. It’s all in all a pretty good example of when such inclusion is done the wrong way, and for the wrong reasons.

When it’s done for the wrong reasons it’s a disservice to all parties. I think everyone who wants to be intellectually honest would agree with that. But there are also examples where it was never really touched on, and thus it makes sense.

A good example of when it’s done the right way, can be found in DC Comics in that Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern of the Golden Age eventually came out, and any long time fan had to concede that it made complete and total sense when one considered his characterization. There was nothing forced. It was just Alan Scott being… Alan Scott, and that was terrific to see.

I’m all for LGBTQ stuff when it makes sense in the story, but I’m not when the story is fundamentally altered because the writer has a itch to showcase their wokeness, even if it comes at the detriment of the characters they are writing. When that happens, then it feels like an attempt to ‘showcase’ the writer’s lack tolerance, by covering it up under a veneer or facade of tolerance.

Much like my complaint about TRPs is really just an effort to exploit said community for personal gain (increasing the sale of comics for a example). I think that is in many ways why I was so disheartened over Sylvanas going hyper-evil or even being named Warchief to start.

I know the story is headed in a specific way now, but it didn’t have to go that way.

Also I love it when a edit turns into a new post. :I -grumbles-

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hmm but are there more white people in america than black people? why yes they’re the minority. 76% white people vs 13% black people. so there actually should be a lot more white people getting killed by cops than what we see here, the fact it’s so close, even with there being that many more white people, actually shows the bias inherent in the system perfectly (also im white, just not the supremacist type)

There’s many more white peope in america than black people, they’re the MINORity. huh never knew what that word meant did you? The amount of white people being killed would have to be much higher to prove there’s no racial disparity. If there’s 76% white people in america vs 13% black people, there needs to be a lot more white people killed to make this equitable.

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Added representation is totally fine if its to give a unique identity or purpose to the character. Diverse characters/worlds improve the overall social atmosphere/quality of living worlds.

If it’s implemented solely as a ‘diversity quota’, with no real effort put into it despite a bland description of the character’s orientation…then it’s just headache inducing.


This is an issue across the board, any character added to be one dimentional with only 1 defining trait is simply bad writing.
A generic LGBT character who’s only trait is being LGBT is just as bad as a generic love interest who’s only purpose is to be sexy.

Because white people are usually attacking the officer. There are more unarmed black people shot by police.

“The vast majority—between 90 percent and 95 percent—of the civilians shot by officers were actively attacking police or other citizens when they were shot”—and that there were more white civilians who were committing such attacks when police killed them than were African Americans. In fact, white people were more likely to be armed when police killed them”

“495 white people were killed compared to 258 black people. Despite that, there were more unarmed black people killed by police (38) than there were unarmed white people (32). Moreover, on the question of whether the person was attacking the police when they were killed—Nix’s team found that white suspects were more often the attackers than were non-white suspects.”


I agree - I would love for blizzard to add LGBT reputation IF it fits to the story - I hate when people try to shoehorn in everything nowadays to make people feel inclusive. It just makes it feel so fake.

I mean, I just heard what they’re doing for the remake of the Craft…not looking forward to that one.

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hands up who wants to see a burly kul tiran man snuggle tenderly with a human male!

Btw, isn’t budd gay?


Didn’t we meet Budd in a jail / cage? I think your scenario might have already happened there.

I can’t speak for that guy, but…

I stand by principles that say I should be kind to my fellowman, love everyone, accept people for who they are not what I want them to be.

What I don’t stand by is someone trying to brainwash me into what they twist things to be so they can scream “family values” but only consider one thing a “family”. I also don’t stand by a doctrine that says I shouldn’t accept someone because they are different than I am.

I consider myself a Christian because I believe in Christ. But the world would call me “spiritual” rather than “religious”.

If you just “hate” others because some book that has been translated so many times that no one actually knows what the original text said (on top of the fact that the original language translated is not even in existence anymore and many words in current, even old, languages don’t even exist in that language to begin with) or preacher told you to then yes, you are absolutely brainwashed.


Well said my friend.

This. /10char

No, it doesnt dude.
Freedom of speech allows criticism without fear of reprisal. Threatening to hurt someone is still a jailable offense

Let me get this straight

In order for us to get along and unite harmoniously as human beings…

… We need to divide into clusters of groups / communities to be accepted…?

Cool, who here isn’t crazy?


Thats kind of an ignorant way of looking at it honestly. LGBT isn’t about dividing and clustering, its about grouping together to form a comunity so others who would otherwise be alone have the support they need.

I personally hate lables. I hate being called out and identified for my sexuality, becasue I’m a person and who I stick it in is definitly not what defines me.

But that said, I do understand the reason and need for it. People don’t think about what isn’t presented to them, in order for people to learn acceptance they need to be exposed to it and understand it.

The system is far from perfect and there are definitly over zealous members of the LGBT community, as there are in every community. But the amount of good its done far outweights the few obnoxious ones.


I can’t help but feel targeted by this comment.

If you do then I’m really sorry because that wasn’t my intention. I was just saying you get extremists in all walks of life, but those extremists are seriously out weighed by the positive progress thats been made by the LGBT community.