Please don't add forced lgbt representation

More than likely though you still have a primary hand.

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This is true. I still prefer my right hand, but laziness will force me to use left when necessary.

Being crappy to anyone who isn’t a straight white dude isn’t a right.

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Can you sign your name with it?

Let me check if I still can

Nope, guess I lied. But that is a specific thing that is always done comfortably with the right hand due to timing and social pressure. I’ve never signed anything official with my left.

Every other thing however is fine, and to be fair there’s not many opportunities for signatures these days.

This is where reality and fiction won’t match up exactly. I understand that what you describe happens in real life, but these are fictional characters, so none of them are gay until written gay. A real life gay person was not straight until they turned gay, they were always gay but just hid it. This is not the same as a fictional character who is purposefully written as straight, but is later turned gay for whatever reason. If the story is that a certain character is a closeted gay from the beginning, and the players know this and see the journey they go through to come out, that is different.

Also, the original creator of a certain character might have never intended said character to be gay, but a new writer could choose to change that, hence there would never truly be heterosexual characters as any can be turned gay if a new writer desires it.

Like it or not, many fans build an image of a character based on their persona up to that point, so having them start behaving completely different would be a huge let down. In order to avoid this gay characters should be introduced as gay or somehow have it be very clear that they will be gay.

Take Northstar and Iceman from Marvel comics. Northstar was a largely unknown character who was turned gay well before he gained significant popularity, and no one was really bothered by that. Northstar is well accepted as a gay character and there is no controversy. Iceman on the other hand is character who clearly was straight for nearly 50 years of his editorial life, then suddenly he was turned gay for unclear reasons. Iceman was a very well established character with a large following, and the switch was very jarring and unwelcome by many…

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literally none of that had any relivance to me, and princess, pretty sure I’m older than you. Did you quote the wrong person by acident or do you just have no clue whats been said, reguardless…

You have your little rant about how everything is so unfair that your being ‘forced’ to deal with LGBT representation.

And if your ideals of ‘freedom’ are to push the LGBT community under a rug so you don’t have to deal with encountering an LGBT character during a main questline, then guess what sugar, thats not what freedom is. Thats just you being a child and crying about not getting your own way.

But let me ask you once more.

If theres a Main questline you need to do that involves a gay man asking you to save his husband, will you accept that and happilly do the quest?


By the same logic, none are CIS unless written that way either… but the ASSUMPTION is always underlying on the reader.

My spouse was born transgender because that’s the way natal processes wired his brain.

Real Life is the best place to “get” homophobes.

Most of the cowards here wouldn’t dare express their crap takes in real life because everyone has a phone with a camera and everyone can be a citizen journalist posting that crap take all over social media for all to see. Then comes the fully legal naming and shaming, and firing.

So now we get to the racism. It’s ok to be crappy to a straight white dude but no one else. Now I see.


People with power can’t be discriminated against.

That’s a really racist point of view. Racism is racism no matter what. Hatred towards white people, racism. Hatred towards black people, racism.


As a member of the Black Community I’m tired of seeing black people thrown into everything I do. Movies? Needs black people. Games? Need black people. Birthday Cake? Needs Black people. Black people don’t need to be in everything leave them alone.

Oh wait. No that’s not how I feel. Because as a black person, seeing characters that look like me, and are part of my community is nice. So why can’t LGBT+ folks get that as well? What exactly is so troubling about a Pandaren woman having a wife? Or a dragon woman presenting as a female blood elf, even if they were Assigned male at birth?

Just because you don’t want it, doesn’t mean other gay/trans/queer folks don’t enjoy it. Forced and stereotypical representation is annoying, but casually making a character gay- even if it doesn’t come out till later- (Because GASP gay people don’t go around waving flags. ((At least not every day)) there’s nothing wrong with that.

Diversity is great especially when it’s natural and just happens to exist.


So… If I don’t want straight agendas shoved on me… Then clearly all of the story should be with gay characters.

We’re asking for representation not to erase you. Lol

Heck I’m specifically asking for it to be just a part of the character and not even their defining trait.


If we are being honest, the majority of gay people probably do want it. But, it doesn’t change the fact that when companies add us to be represented it’s only to make themselves look good for the “it crowd” and isn’t an accurate representation of us. It’s a loud in your face card board cut out of the token gay guy. Are all of them like this? No. But the majority is.

You are delusional. Well, I hope you stay safe.

Good. Because that won’t happen.

Still waiting for you to answer that one princess. Simple yes or no.


Trying to explain plain logic on here is futile. They are stuck on being “right”, and closed minded. They don’t respect anyone else, and only want to see things their way. They take everything out of context, mis-comprehend and tell us all that we’re wrong. They refuse to listen or think about others.