Please don't add forced lgbt representation

You do realise that racist and homophobic words can and often do lead to people getting beaten hospitalised and even killed over it.

Homophobia and racism is still a very real and serious issue even if we are moving in the right direction. There are still some very intollorant people around. Attitudes like that ( or like people who’d refuse to do a questline because it has an LGBT NPC in it,) encourage the hate and lead to violence.


I remember that. That’s who it is? People like that are obviously crazy, rational people don’t behave in manners such as that. She should have (if wasn’t) punished for denigration and child abuse.

She was publicly shamed for her racism. She faced consequences for her “Free speech”.

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It absolutely is if you’re an employer or academic disciplinary board. Sorry the truth is getting in the way of your feelings.

Maybe you need a safespace?


On the server I’m on, it’s typical for people who express takes that violate Blizzard’s code of conduct to be reported to oblivion, silenced, and thrown from their guilds, and their new guild leaders informed over and over until they leave the server.

That’s the responsibility of the people who react, not the speaker. If no one that rioted, killed, raped or etc were held responsible instead of the speaker, then no one would speak. Free speech is limited, but not to “mUh HuRt FeElInGs”.

You really don’t have a basic grasp of how the world works. You think everyone needs to pander to feelings and that’s not how it worked, currently works or will ever work. If feelings took precedence over logic, that would be a utopia of peace, no war, etc. Time to leave la-la land and join the adults on earth.

No the people encouraging it are in part to blame. You seem to have no concept of culpability and fail to see how an enabling atitude to homophobia and racism can be damaging.

Pro tip, Incitement is a law in your contry, since you love legalities so much.


So you harass people all day every day until they either leave the server, quit or commit suicide? Not only is that against ToS but, it’s against the law.


Not what they said :man_shrugging:

Reporting people for violating the terms of service in game and on the forums is not against the law.

Whispering their guild leader with screenshots of their crappy behavior is free speech and is not against the law.

Doing a /who when they join a new guild is supported by the game. So is looking them up on armory and sticking them on your friends list so you can see when they change names.

Whispering their new guild leader with screenshots is freedom of speech.

Quitting or whatever is their choice. They chose to be crappy, they face the consequences.

So it’s ok to twist my words saying I want a ban on all gay representation but not ok for me to do the same? Double standard.

So a person is crappy. Best to harass the ever living frik out of them til they quit or kill themselves. For a community saying they are “understanding and forgiving” you sure are hateful af.


We also chase off pedophiles and people who have a years long history of sexually harassing ladies.

Who said that?

Cool, so you’re admitting to being intentionally intellectually dishonest.

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Visiting consequences on homophobes, transphobes, racists and sexists is not hateful, it’s good housekeeping.

The accusations usually come with screenshots that are posted on social media.

Do some more reading.

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Problem is you people routinely label people who aren’t those things as those things. So you end up being bigots yourselves.


Well I guess it’s a good thing Keanu Reeves never touches anyone in a photo. He would have been accused a long time ago.


This. Most important post in this thread…


One major problem which has been worsening lately, is that Screenshots can be falsified by anyone with a basic working knowledge of Photoshop. The sad part is that they often are faked on our server, and usually by people who want to cause drama.

This is why if anyone wants to prove what someone else said to me, I usually request a screen sharing session over discord or a forwarded email so that the party making the claim does not have the ability to edit anything. Otherwise I just can’t believe even screenshots any longer.

I’ve seen one too many cases where people have intentionally created false evidence because the truth wasn’t on their side. Yet because said individuals also couldn’t bear to be wrong, they created a false narrative to ‘corroborate’ their story. These sorts usually to go any length to make sure they were absolutely and always right.

So no.

Give me a screen-share on a medium that you have no way to influence or edit, or it didn’t happen.

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Please point to me where all of this LGBT “representation” that is being shoved in your face is at. I have found none of it in this game.

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