Yes it’s business but that person doesn’t “suck”. They just don’t want to do something they are uncomfortable with. It’s like the baker who wouldn’t bake the cake for the lesbian couple. So what if he doesn’t want to do it. He has every right to deny service to whoever he wants.
Thats easy to say when white people domiante all forms of media. If there were no films and no games that ever included white people, damn right you’d be complaining that your not represented.
You are correct, he had every right to refuse to bake that cake. But actions have consiquences, he got called out for it and his buisniss suffered badly for it and he’s forever knowen as a homophope.
Rather than someone who isn’t going to buckle to pressure from angry trolls that are full of “tolerance” and “acceptance” like lgbt is. Similar to how they fire people on twitter and fb for not agreeing with them.
If 1/10 writers is gay, and they choose to represent themselves, that would be a natural and proportional representation. The only hindrance to that would be someone actively denying it. You don’t need to specifically ask for it, just need to make sure decision makers aren’t people that would actively suppress it.
Not if I were vastly outnumbered by the general population. And saying they’re never included is hyperbolic at best.