I’m suggesting NPCs that have quests in Shadowlands where being homosexual or transgender is an element of the story and is treated like another day in Azeroth rather than being a big deal.
If a group has enough people that it requires representation then it has enough people to represent itself, to the point representation should come naturally. You shouldn’t need to ask for representation you should just make sure representation isn’t being actively denied.
You would still have people making claims of Virtue signalling, and pandering. And it’s hard to disagree with them, as it would be easy to conclude that such a quest was added only to appease the LGBT community.
If the entire quest arch Involves saving a guys boyfriend, it would still come off as forced. It would be better to leave things ambiguous and simply and subtly imply hints of romance, in order to let the fans come to their own conclusions. The slower, and more believable, the better.
That’s healthy…not. Fire the artist who doesn’t want to be forced to draw something they don’t want because they suck. Hire someone who will because they are obviously better…makes sense.
Honey I’ve worked as an artist for hire for a company. People who are making video games are artists for hire. Their job is to do what theyre being paid to do.
That’s the harsh reality of the matter.
If I had refused to do my job I would have been fired on the spot.
Thats kinda how buisniss works sweet heart.
If I hired a builder to make me a wall and he does a poor job because he didn’t want to be forced into it, then damn right I’m going to fire him and hire someone better who will build that wall.
Nobody in the world loudly and proudly declares that they are LGBT, and has no other facets of their personality.
Such a person would be uninteresting and one note.
If you make a characters only significant trait their sexuality, you quickly reach a point where nobody enjoys that character.
Same applies to real life. If the only thing that you ever talk about is your sexuality then people probably don’t like you very much.
Sexuality is a significant portion of personality. But it isn’t something that should ever dominate and control a character.
as a member of nothing. idc what anyone’s doing in there sheets, in real life, video games, movies, or books… just dont include me XD …… except you! yeah… you can include me!
really though I’m all about the loving who/what you love go for it!