Please don't add forced lgbt representation

How do you know what she was like? If society wasn’t a factor, than she didn’t act like anything. That’s my point.

While I understand the artistic value of video games, WoW is also a paid service meant to be enjoyed by a wide group of people. The artists vision only goes so far. Especially when money if often the bottom line.

LOL The laugh you just got out of me. Thank you. Thank you!:blush:

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Name calling a opposition. Classy.

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Yes, it is representation.

But it doesn’t exist ONLY to represent the LGBT community. It is an aspect of the story. It is implemented in a Non-forced, and believable way, and generally had little regard for attempting to please the LGBT community as a whole. It was simply integral to Maiev’s character.

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Claiming something is forced is just thinly veiled bigotry.

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So you can stop replying. I wouldn’t expect you to lift a finger. Literally.

Says the guy who’s too lazy to post any sort of citations at all. I posted one of mine. in fact it was a new one that I hadn’t seen before which is actually kind of cool.

Thats kind of the point of reprisentation, it shows you things you wouldn’t normally think of and presents them in a relatable and human way.

Speaking of personal experiance, I honestly never used to really understand transgender people atall. Up untill I read a comic about two transgender kids, Tom and Charlie, the story showed how they grew up, the things they faced because of their gender identies and the choices and struggles they went through. And they were both people, humans with flaws.
That comic made me get it, made me understand. And all because that representation was accessable to me.


Whenever you see an “LGBT representation” thread, it’s a safe bet that trolls are bored.

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Claiming something is Bigotry is just thinly veiled whining.

If a character exists, simply to represent the LGBT community. Who’s sexuality is the ONLY significant part of their character, And that sexuality butts its way into the story without having any prior significance. Then it is clearly forced.


I have never understood what things like race, religion, gender, sexuality ect. have to do with gaming in the first place. One of the best features of the internet and internet gaming is that here, We are all anons who are judged by our performance and the ways we interact with each other.

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Since you refuse to go read my sources and demand special treatment, in order to dismantle my viewpoint, I will now ignore you.

I expect that if there’s an LGBT character it’s actually written. You know show don’t tell? it’s a basic writing constructed even a middle school student can understand. if blizzard isn’t capable of finding someone who can write at that level then they need to hire someone with that level of skill.

You mean the sources you never provided?

wtf, i muted this thread once already. why is it here again

Rip… /10ch

Praise the lord!! The world hasn’t fully gone insane!! Thank god!!!

The reason it feels forced is because it sticks out. When something sticks out it makes you think, “why is that there?”. And the only reason for it to be there on purpose, outside of someones sexuality somehow influencing the plot, is to force inclusion.

In WoW especially it would feel forced, since romance isn’t a major part of the game.

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So you’re suggesting they implement a new character in the story, who juts themselves into the overall plot, despite not being present before. Who’s major character trait is that they are in some way, LGBT.

That would be “representation” and nothing else. It wouldn’t be good representation, it would clearly be pandering to the LGBT community by putting a representative character in the spotlight.

I would rather have no representation at all then having representation that only exists to pander to people.

I, for one, would be insulted if they boiled down an entire characters significance to their sexuality. Which is something that ultimately doesn’t matter about a person.


The new Star Wars series had LBTG characters, (That lady with purple hair) see how bad the Star Wars universe turned out.

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