Please don't add forced lgbt representation

when you’re working for someone you’re doing art for them in your being paid for it. You make the art they want or you don’t get paid.

Fire the artist than hire someone who doesn’t suck.

Unlike you I’m actually educated in transgender issues. I’m still waiting for you to post links. But you don’t have any you don’t have a leg to stand on why are you even still here?

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So “Inclusion = forced” and
“Pretending that LGBT people don’t exist = normal”? I think you’ve got
That backwards




Her gender was applied to her by her father, the man who locked her in there I didn’t asume anything. And yes you agree she did not act like a woman, because shockingly gender rolls are, you guessed it, a social construct.

PS. being a social cosntruct isn’t a bad thing, society is actually a very good thing. As Genie kind of demostraits.


I know you don’t want anyone here, challenging your projections. And I won’t sort through my bookmarks to repost something to appease a troll who refuses to use the “pageup” button.

Keep parroting the same thing, won’t change the facts.

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The onus you to provide proof of your crap takes. You have failed to do so.

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What if the rest of society didn’t agree with his assessment? Do they get to override it? The fact that she had a female brain and body had zero influence on her instincts? lol sure…

But you just stated that she didn’t and wasn’t influenced by society.



You’re too lazy to quote yourself.

European Society of Endocrinology. “Transgender brains are more like their desired gender from an early age.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 May 2018.

You can Google more.

Took you long enough…damn. Feel better?

Still waiting on your proof. If you have any.

Something being a social construct doesn’t make it bad. But it does mean that how we look at it can change over time especially as we get more information.

Biological gender is proving far more complicated, as is social gender and sexuality. New information is not a bad thing. Not accepting widely accepted tested science and instead going with what you believe despite that evidence is the bad thing.


Um, yeah…?

She didn’t act like a woman, because she wasn’t influenced by society.
And people who act like a woman are influenced by society, because gender rolls are a social construct.

Seriousy how are you not following this?
What part of that is confusing you?


Do you really want them to add, unnecessary, forced garbage that does nothing but check of boxes for people?

Let these things develop naturally, and in genuine, believable ways. Instead of having characters who stand in the spotlight and scream “I’m Gay!”


I would love any sort of representation whatsoever.

Nothing develops naturally when it comes to representation. Never has never will. It must be forced or it won’t get done.

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Keep waiting as it involves your pagup.

Keep waiting for you to present your proof. It’s clear you don’t have any.

“Representation” isn’t important at all.
Having humanized, believable, good character is important.

If you cry for representation, then all you care about is seeing yourself in the art.

Maiev was in romantic relationship with Darnassian Sentinel, who’s death spurred her entire character arc.

This sort of story happened perfectly naturally, makes sense, and gives Maiev a human motivation for her… “Unorthodox” personality


That’s what representation is Karen.